Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [noun] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Archbishop of Canterbury , the Most Rev. George Carey , said on Sept. 19 that " human wrongdoing is inextricably linked to social deprivation , poverty , poor housing and illiteracy " and that the riots in Newcastle " occurred where people were socially deprived " .
2 Of course it matters if people are deliberately robbed of the means of judgment by suppression of facts which , in any other situation , would be regarded as necessary to make sense of what had taken place .
3 Imagine , he finally splutters , ’ all these little rich old ladies listening to techno It looks like Detroit is finally recognising its brightest new industry .
4 The specially designed rain traps around the windscreen and the door mirror housing were modified until rain was successfully deflected clear of the side windows .
5 Women 's increasing commitment to the labour market does not appear to pay off in the way that would be expected if people were actually rewarded according to their ability and effort .
6 Tax-rates were cut , reliefs reduced or abolished and the £30,000 ceiling for mortgage relief has been frozen while relief is now restricted to the basic rate .
7 The Commission proposes that 1993 be the start of a transition period of indefinite duration , during which quotas will be lifted while imports are tightly monitored .
8 For accident estimates this is as would be expected since subjects were specifically estimating the total number .
9 Nevertheless , even if the embryo is in a fairly advanced stage of resorption , some mitotic preparations can be obtained from the fetal membranes and used to establish whether death was chromosomally related .
10 One wonders whether teachers are ever allowed to rest !
11 There were a number of part-time farmers who indicated they would be happy to take part of their holidays to attend although holidays were normally taken to coincide with the busy time on the farm .
12 She never noticed if Alexandra was fully dressed or had stumbled straight from sleep in her night clothes but would welcome her always with the sweetest of smiles and a gentle reproof for leaving her alone .
13 Irenaeus says that Mark wrote after the deaths of Peter and Paul , while Clement of Alexandria stated that the book was written while Peter was still preaching in Rome .
14 ‘ Then it was realised that the collection could n't be part of Backhouse , because a lot of the specimens had been collected before Backhouse was even born . ’
15 However , the rules made when Tessas were eventually launched in January 1991 have remained intact , apart from an extra-statutory concession in October 1992 .
16 And at last , in June 1172 , when he was fourteen years old , the great day came when Richard was formally installed as Duke of Aquitaine .
17 The silver threepenny piece that I received as reward was hard earned but the episode taught me a lesson early in life — that good results are only achieved by extra effort .
18 ‘ I 'm going back to see if Caspar 's still locked up . ’
19 The first and only Royal Commission on Population ( 1949 ) , was set up in 1944 to see if Britain was indeed facing population decline and to ‘ consider what measures , if any , should be taken in the national interest to influence the future trend of population ’ .
20 But are they the inevitable companions of hierarchy , or perhaps a product of the misuse of hierarchy that would disappear if hierarchy were properly understood and structured ?
21 And the cries for help are often not heard until headlines are briefly filled with the story of another body being dragged from the River Foyle .
22 The carrying value should be adjusted if dividends are subsequently paid out of profits earned prior to the change of status .
23 A sufficient element of damage is shown where expenses are necessarily incurred by the plaintiff in investigating and counteracting the machinations of the defendants .
24 Instead , they are looking at ways of minimising syndicates ' cash calls on members — by waiting until claims are actually paid , for instance .
25 Aids researchers are now investigating if HIV is somehow triggering the suicide response of protective white blood cells , stripping the body of immunity .
26 Exposure to direct sunlight is generally to be avoided since products are seldom exposed to it , and because it can quickly produce effects that are never seen in practice .
27 Wondering whether English was still taught in schools , she commented on her 114th birthday : ‘ Many of the people I hear on the telephone do n't even know how to speak the language properly . ’
28 Answers given by the forty women in the sample to questions about work tasks suggest that certain characteristics of housework may be more or less uniformly experienced as dissatisfying while others are potentially rewarding .
29 The risk is reduced if condoms are always used .
30 According to Doyle : ‘ no one is forced to have a lawyer or manager when they meet with a publishing company , but deals would never be negotiated unless artists were legally represented .
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