Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [noun] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'll never know if people want you for your looks or for yourself .
2 They were also difficult to find because people stole them from libraries or tore out chapters .
3 I do n't know whether reps get them at home , do they ?
4 The SOC government had been set to release some 400 political detainees and POWs on Jan. 3 but the move had been cancelled after Fresard denounced it as " a pure propaganda piece " .
5 This theory holds that , although human society originated as Freud described it in Totem and Taboo , subsequent social evolution led to repetitions and expansion of that primal trauma which , although on a smaller scale than the original one , nevertheless share something of its traumatic nature and crucial consequences — particularly for the subsequent evolution of the superego .
6 For a minute or two all conversation was silenced while Kalchu bounced him on his lap and muttered softly through his screaming .
7 One sign of the times : the film ‘ Bonfire of the Vanities ’ flopped after critics accused it of being kinder to yuppies than the original Tom Wolfe novel .
8 He woke as Pete heaved himself from the bunk .
9 ‘ You seem to make a habit of this , ’ she muttered as confusion propelled her into action .
10 ‘ It 's … it 's simply lovely , ’ Laura murmured as Carole showed them around the cottage .
11 If that is not the case , then the returns owing to the investors simply accumulate until circumstances permit them to be paid .
12 He could tell that the young man was near to coming , but would not dare until Vashinov allowed him to .
13 Billy 's eyes shone as Yanto told him about the bike .
14 Polly kept her head bent while Nathan helped her into her safety harness .
15 A HEALTHY baby girl whose twin sister died mysteriously in hospital , had ended up severely brain damaged after doctors left her in the care of nurse Beverley Allitt , a court heard yesterday .
16 All my dreams of playing for United to the end of my career — and I was on a seven- year contract — vanished when Ferguson called me into his office and offered me a cash pay-off to clear out and go and do something else with my life .
17 ‘ And would n't you think just one person would be glad to help me ? ’ she wailed when Ellie asked what on earth was the matter .
18 They were finally rewarded when Wadforth fired them in front from a short corner but they momentarily relaxed and Pelicans replied almost immediately with a well-worked move from a long corner which caught out the defence .
19 One fire engine was damaged as crews used it as a barrier while they tried to extinguish the fire in the building 's upper floor and roof .
20 Edward was much more confused than Maurice and needed all the help he was getting as Maurice manhandled him to the top of the ladder .
21 If you ever get to be a concert violinist , which I personally doubt , you 'll always wonder if people want you on the platform because of your looks or because you 're any good . ’
22 That one 's a bit burnt cos Bernie left it on top of the cooker Where 's the dog ?
23 The political influence of the other major radical figure , Hojatolislam Ali Akbar Mohtashemi , was drastically reduced when Rafsanjani removed him from the post of Interior Minister in his Cabinet reshuffle of August 1989 , following his election as President [ see pp. 36859-60 ] .
24 The future of Lothar and his supporters was settled when Louis met them at Blois in September : The emperor sat in his pavilion which was set up in the middle of a wide field on a hill where the whole army could see him , and his faithful sons [ Pippin and Louis ] stood beside him .
25 In 1990 sales of cars , video cameras and leisure related services boomed as consumers found themselves with higher disposable incomes because of wage increases averaging 6 per cent , at least double the rate of inflation .
26 Baby hurt as firework hits her on head
27 ‘ Tina , darling , perhaps it 's time — ’ Lucenzo swore as Katarina interrupted him with a heart-rending wail .
28 She watched as Roman poured it into small white cups .
29 Some treat Jesus as the greatest medium who ever lived while others accept him as ‘ the psychic Son of God ’ .
30 Other studies have also shown that many teachers express stereotyped and often contradictory generalizations about black pupils , with some teachers tending to regard Afro-Caribbean pupils as lazy and withdrawn while others thought them to be aggressive and disruptive ; a common stereotype of Asian pupils among teachers is that they are passive and industrious but they and their parents are over-ambitious ( Brittan , 1976 ; Giles , 1977 ; Verma , 1982 ; Lee and Wrench , 1983 ; Swann , 1985 ; Eggleston et al . ,
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