Example sentences of "[verb] [det] [noun] that [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As for the revealing of ‘ new unattainable vistas ’ , the problem there — as Tolkien must have thought many times-was that in The Lord of the Rings Middle-earth was already old , with a vast weight of history behind it .
2 The Wing-coupling Apparatus — There seems little doubt that in the primitive Pterygota the fore and hind pairs of wings moved independently of each other ( as in the Isoptera and Odonata ) , and that coincidence of motion was a later acquisition associated with the development of a wing-coupling apparatus ( Fig. 28 ) .
3 ( 6 ) Mark any point that at the time of perusing the abstracted deed does not appear clear to you by scoring the margin heavily against your note , or in any other manner that will catch your attention .
4 In this country we have lost many rituals that in the past supported us through the various stages of grief .
5 ‘ Sometimes , ’ muttered Phoebe ; she was not going to tell this woman that for the last six months she had done practically nothing else .
6 But it is included in the deposit plan of the greenbelt by the County Council , that 's greenbelt land , so I think bearing in mind what the the panel said the other day , I can accept this discussion that for the time being we assume that is in the greenbelt .
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