Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] she [prep] his [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He wanted her badly , and if he 'd taken her in his arms she did n't think she would have put up any kind of resistance .
2 His face wore that concentrated look she had grown used to , as if everything he did was the focus of all his energies — like the look when he 'd taken her in his arms and made his kiss seem the still point of the entire universe .
3 And now , despite the fact that he 'd held her in his arms , it needed little imagination to guess that he did n't quite trust her .
4 If he could have pulled her into his arms at that moment he knew nothing could have stopped him from making love to her .
5 His expression changed , and he would have taken her in his arms if she had n't moved quickly .
6 He had lifted her into his arms before she could protest , although in truth she hardly felt in any condition to trek back up the incline towards the barn .
7 He had caught her in his arms , and there had been a soaring delight , an exchange of joy , wordless , mindless , stronger and infinitely sweeter than anything he had ever known .
8 For swiftly , and with such adroitness that Fabia felt he must have done it many times before , in no time , and before she could blink , Lubor had caught her in his arms .
9 He had carried her in his arms as naturally as if he had been doing so for years , and she had felt right there .
10 He had forgotten her in his efforts to catch up with her twin .
11 He tried not to think of the shock his sister had expressed so strongly when he had told her of his intentions .
12 He had pulled her into his arms , kissing her gently , and she had wrapped her arms around his neck .
13 She thought of the moment a few hours earlier , before they had left for dinner , when he had taken her in his arms .
14 She had felt quite revolted when Alec Ardis had , without the smallest encouragement , grabbed her ; she had felt nauseated when Fisher had , uninvited , caught hold of her ; so why had she felt none of these things last Tuesday night , when Naylor Massingham had taken her in his arms ?
15 Delivering her back to her hotel at five in the morning , he had taken her in his arms in the lobby , not caring if the world witnessed his kiss .
16 He had held her in his arms and told her that he loved her , and she had never doubted him .
17 ‘ I really do n't think that 's necessary , ’ Rory began firmly , remembering the last time he had held her in his arms on the dance floor .
18 No matter that she had n't understood the broken phrases gasped from Rune 's lips as he had devoured her with his kisses ; she knew instinctively that they had been an expression of his desire for her in that sweet moment of culmination .
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