Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [pers pn] over and over " in BNC.

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1 He 'd asked her over and over : why ?
2 His nanny had scolded him over and over , but he had never been able to stop .
3 I 've turned it over and over in my mind , and it seems to me — I ne'er told the lad this , lovey — but it seems to me she waited till she 'd borne my Jake a son in his own image , as if she knew that 'd grieve him as nothing else could .
4 She had told him over and over again the sequence of events on the boat .
5 He had sat in that locked room talking , therapist and patient both , had talked it over and over .
6 I 've told him over and over again that you simply ca n't these days . ’
7 I 've told you over and over again , I am here all the time . ’
8 I 've read it over and over again , but I just keep on going back to it , cos I can just go on reading it for
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