Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No yes Mr Singe is dedicated to the fewcher of Athletes Whaddon and to proove it has prezented me with a BLANK czech for £53–24p only , which is at my dispozal for strainthning the squid .
2 Almut Suerbaum , of the university of Munster , has joined us as the new Fellow in German ; as a specialist in Medieval German literature she continues the tradition of her predecessor .
3 In America , where they have a fondness for creating lists of the greatest ever people , his Plight of English has placed him among the very top writers on the English language .
4 I for one value the friendship that he has given me in the eight and a half years that I have been a Member of the House , despite the fact that we are in different parties and disagree on many issues .
5 This has committed it to an inevitable struggle with the Palestinians for control of policy on the Palestine question and , by extension , for control of Jordan itself .
6 It has carried me from the comfortable Salisbury suburb where a kind Scottish family have made me a home , to a rough Bulawayo farmstead .
7 He has educated me in the best sense of the word and I have trusted him as I think I would trust no one else of my own sex .
8 ‘ First , my miserable Yankee friend , the good Brigadeführer Farber has recommended you for an immediate Iron Cross First Class which , from what he says , you deserve . ’
9 An offshore worker has presented me with a detailed file containing his experiences as a safety representative .
10 Henry is , or whether Mrs G. has presented you with a little Tasmanian , or likely to do so , a point upon which her mother is so exceedingly anxious that on finding it was not mentioned she sat down and cried with vexation . ’
11 Their habits have probably always been similar , and if survival is to be taken as a measure of success , their conservative way of life has ensured them of a leading place in the evolutionary marathon .
12 One , an older school , has seen him as a noble if embattled statesman .
13 The reason for this is that ( in many cases ) the client becomes aware of the proposed legislation either because he has been served under the General Orders with a notice as being directly affected , or because he has seen it in the local newspaper or Gazette advertisement .
14 Henry Porter doubtless spoke for many when he wrote recently in the Guardian : ‘ Little in the post-war years of decline in Britain has prepared us for the deep sense of unease now being experienced by its people .
15 I am pleased to have the opportunity to raise this subject which has interested me for a long time .
16 The huge international interest in Brightness which followed his escape to freedom in Turkish waters , has turned him into a valuable commodity .
17 In Manchester the handover has allowed it to offload heavy costs such as bridge maintenance , while in Sheffield the running of the tram system into British Midland 's station has turned it into a major transport terminus , which includes buses .
18 Getting itself involved in access so deeply has turned it from a benign , vaguely representative organisation into one whose role is increasingly to police the activities of climbing and climbers .
19 Professor Black 's TGAT report , for all its expensive complexity , has saved us from the test-led teaching that seemed at one time inevitable .
20 It has made him into a bitter man and I quite understand that bitterness .
21 Apple Computer Inc chairman and chief executive officer John Sculley 's name has made it to the short list to be Secretary of Commerce in the Clinton Administration : if he takes the cabinet post , Apple 's likely to look outside for a replacement .
22 He went straight to the practice putting green to cure a defect that has robbed him of a commanding lead .
23 If she lives on her own and poor health has robbed her of a normal social life , it is to be expected that her loneliness may have created such a build-up of unexpressed thoughts , feelings and opinions that she may need to talk herself to a standstill before she is ready to converse with you , and interest herself in anything you have to say .
24 Although he left no explicit statement of belief , recent scholarship has shown him as a consistent sponsor of reform , both in his local activities and as an intermediary between suitors and the Crown .
25 If she has had it for a few years , there will be another bonus in that it will mature before the end of your mortgage term , saving thousands in extra interest payments .
26 ‘ Madam , I must tell you , ’ I replied , ‘ that since he found me , my master has used me as an easy way of making money for himself .
27 We are particularly grateful to members of the undergraduate years 1965 , who responded to the Librarian 's appeal for items to display at the Gaudy in June , and to Nina Bawden ( Mabey , 1943 ) who has supplied us with a complete set of her novels .
28 ‘ Ah yes , ’ Leon turned to Mrs Yaxlee , ‘ your George has told me of the great days .
29 It 's strange the way Chinese Whispers start about certain guitars ; by the time the umpteenth person has told you about the amazing instrument that they 've seen , you begin to be very sceptical about whether anything can be as outrageous as described …
30 She 's bitterley disappointed that the council has sold it to a local businessman who wants to use the premises to repair binoculars .
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