Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [prep] the [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 But ever since the Government became embroiled in the row over the plan to close 31 pits , local beer lovers have veered away from the pub with the Prime Ministerial name .
2 The significance of this event was not so much that it was government interfering in artistic freedom , as liberal would-be martyrs would have it , but that it showed how frightened the President was of the populist , anti-intellectual feeling which has developed in the US over the last few years .
3 As to the political secrets that the KGB has gathered by the basketful over the last 40 years , few seem to have made much impact on the monolithic structure of Russia 's political machine .
4 I am aware of the difficult times that other theatre companies who actually face in this moment in time and I am very grateful when I and I 've always been grateful to the Harlow Council for the funding of the Council has given to the theatre , has given to the theatre over the years .
5 Last I have a very pleasant task to perform , namely to ask Angela to kindly present to His Lordship a token of our loving esteem for all he has done for the Guild over the years and hopefully when he wears the vestment he will say a prayer for us all — AD MULTOS ANNOS .
6 Locke 's enthusiasm is alive and well in the modern day too , despite the buffeting religious belief has had in the West over the last two hundred years .
7 It is the shift which has occurred within the population over statutory retirement-pension age towards the oldest old .
8 Public opinion has shifted to the right over the past decade on one component of collectivism — nationalization — and in a more liberal direction on another , state provision of welfare and social policies ( for similar trends elsewhere , see below ) .
9 As a measure of the way British politics has strutted to the right over the past decade , the policies of the SNP are now considered radical , although they are broadly similar to those of the Heath school of one-nation Conservatism !
10 This necessarily brief account has concentrated on the debate over the retirement condition between 1908 and 1948 , and the curious ‘ complicity ’ of the labour movement in demanding a measure that was to confirm the economic uselessness of old people .
11 A serious problem has emerged in the area over a period of months , and a series of reports have been issued , concluding with a report by the National Rivers Authority on effluent that is poured into the lagoons at Grassmoor 40,000 tonnes of it a year .
12 Or if she was aware of him , was she aware of the political turmoil the previous cancellation of a Mapplethorpe show has engendered in the U.S. over the last two years , with the director of the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati indicted for obscenity ( but acquitted ) and the very principle of government funding of contemporary art called into question ?
13 As the yen has climbed against the dollar over the past year , the country 's competitiveness has suffered .
14 The population projections that we have seen in front of us we h have discussed , are based upon what has happened in the county over the past eight years .
15 Then there were the bruises on his knees and elbows that he 'd received from the fall over the trip-wire at Jacqui 's .
16 Within France , the issue has become absorbed into the debate over the forthcoming referendum on the Maastricht treaty , with opponents claiming that an EC single market would result in France becoming the " dustbin of Europe " .
17 Engels argued , and this is a fundamental aspect of his work that has become obscured in the discussion over whether there ever were such things as primitive promiscuity or group marriage , against those who asserted that monogamous marriage and the type of family that was associated with it was a universally valid ideal of man , irrespective of social or cultural context .
18 More detailed instructions will be found taped on the walls over the appliances concerned .
19 Birth parents may relinquish their child for adoption at the time of birth or at a subsequent date , possibly having cared for the child over a period of months or years .
20 The C E C have had twelve months , the sections have been up and running , they should have learnt from the experiences over the last twelve months because all that they 've done is presented us with the same document with the exclusion of the one issue of the two year conference .
21 So far we 've looked at the news over the past ten years .
22 The PFL had voted against the government over pensions , despite being the leading pro-government party in Congress .
23 If I ca n't get promotion on the basis of all the hard work I 've done for the organisation over the last five years then I do n't know how I can get it .
24 What you wan na do is I 've just done a seven day report on the er on hazard spotting etcetera etcetera etcetera and all the different surveys we 've had on the site over the past month .
25 Pöhl , a member of the Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) , had been openly critical over the introduction of economic and monetary union with what was East Germany [ see pp. 37259 ; 38115 ] and had clashed with the government over economic and monetary union plans within the European Communities [ see p. 37719 ] , the deteriorating domestic economy , and plans for the reorganization of the central bank to incorporate the five eastern Länder ( states ) .
26 You know — ’ He pulled in his chin as he looked at her before continuing , ‘ It 's odd , but none of the other girls I 've brought to the house over the years have seemed to arouse your animosity .
27 All of the sample of Rowdies were able to plot very accurately where they had stood on the terraces over the last few years , who they had been with , and where they expected to be in the future .
28 The targets that we have set ourselves are clearly summarised ; so , too , is the substantial additional expenditure that we have given to the environment over the past year .
29 Mr Fallon says that everyone knows living standards have risen in the North over the last ten years .
30 It is fascinating to see how theory and experiment have vied for the lead over the past 30 years , with first one then the other leading the way .
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