Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [conj] [pron] [vb base] with " in BNC.

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1 When she returns to Pierre and Claire , they are unwilling to believe what she claims has happened but they drive with her back to the field and Maria finds the opening in the wheat where he is lying .
2 The child has learnt that we think with the head ; sometimes it even alludes to the brain' .
3 He should have insisted that he go with him .
4 When he had first come to Egypt Garvin had insisted that he stay with an Arab family perfecting his Arabic .
5 Traditionally , psychologists have said that we cope with this by organising experienced stimuli into a limited number of categories or concepts .
6 Chairman erm I know from my own experience elsewhere that er car boot sales are a cause of great concern and I , I wo n't repeat what various other small local firms have said because I agree with all their comments .
7 Both have raced and they work with love , ambition and perseverance — that ca n't be bought with money .
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