Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [pron] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the Commons , the Prime Minister has said he is still consulting with the United States over the situation in Bosnia .
2 there was a big discussion about the standard report , it wo n't cover five years and I said it does n't have to cover five years , it never has done it 's only covered four cos we what we do in year eleven is different anyway .
3 Soldiers wiped out a village in south Sumatra 's Lampung province in 1989 because a zealot was thought to be preaching fundamentalism ( it has emerged he was just griping about land ownership ) .
4 THE Investment Management Regulatory Organisation ( Imro ) has admitted it was partly to blame for allowing the Maxwell pension fraud to happen and that it was ‘ thumped ’ for its supervision of the Maxwell fund managers by the parliamentary select committee on social security .
5 A combination of District and Regional Council 's policies , industrial decline , and the embracing of popular capitalism pursued by central government since their election in 1979 , has ensured that the schemes in Glasgow have the highest levels of multiple deprivation of any other city in the UK and has created what is commonly referred to as the Fourth World .
6 Moreover , the establishment of the right of carers to separate assessment under the NHS and Community Care Act 1990 has formalized what was already becoming an increasing emphasis in social work practice .
7 He now embarked on a new recording contract for Capitol , and proved wrong all the critics who 'd said he was just emulating Crosby when he developed his own new determined style which culminated in 1955 with his album Songs For Swinging Lovers , one of the first best-selling LPs .
8 Once you get started there is no shutting you up and you are in one of garrulous , gregarious moods when you can spend hours happily swapping small talk and gossiping .
9 She would have said he was much attracted by the riding , yet he made out he was n't .
10 I would nt have been watching ( maybe with the sound down ) , but millions would have seen them be COMPLETELY outclassed .
11 They add : ‘ A little touch of the old Tory pragmatism would have avoided what is now regarded as a policy fiasco . ’
12 So they must have thought they were still going in a straight line heading for the bullseye .
13 I would have thought you were already known there , anyway . ’
14 But the Court of Appeal ruled that no reasonable reader , asking " what on earth was Sir John Junor getting at ? " could have thought he was seriously accusing Schild .
15 When he was up and about , he also spent some time in the kitchen , having become what was then called a ‘ health-food fanatic ’ .
16 His expression was grim and Newman could have sworn he was still feeling dazed .
17 That Timothy Gedge , so awful in his drunkenness and apparently in himself , should have released it was even fitting .
18 Those who claimed to have seen it were then asked what they could recall of its contents , and to what uses it had been put .
19 Though the wind appeared to have died we were still carried gently forward .
20 It was to some extent a class conflict and , although I am glad to have had what is commonly regarded as a ‘ good education ’ , I must seriously doubt the wisdom of the County Council 's charitable and well-intentioned scheme .
21 Then the weather got cold and I must 've realized it was nice havin' warm feet 'cos Mam said she never had no trouble with me after that .
22 why , I 've heard they 're even rebuilding the bus and railway station .
23 Wilson knew that some visiting Americans had let it be widely known in Florence that they considered Mrs Browning little more than a ghost and though she had laughed such gossip to scorn she now saw there was perhaps real cause for alarm .
24 The curious thing about Dr Dunstaple 's death was that although the harrowing circumstances which had attended it were well known throughout the camp , it was not generally considered that , by dying , the Doctor had lost his argument with McNab .
25 And even if you 're not contemplating any of those things , as I 've said you 're still going to be faced with decisions about goods that you want to buy and services that you want to buy for your home .
26 Instead , she had pushed the memories into a dark cupboard in the very farthest corner of her mind , and she had thought they were safely locked away , only now Julius had found the key and he was opening the cupboard .
27 She had alleged she was unfairly dismissed during sick leave by Darlington solicitors Ward Hadaway ; the tribunal chairman said the panel had ruled against her ‘ reluctantly ’ and would be giving its reasons later .
28 Erm , there is an increase nationally , we 've got a similar increase locally , although the figures that we 've shown there are probably distorted slightly .
29 It was clear that the sentencer would not have made the order if he had known what was now known by the court .
30 The rapid development of social movements during the 1960s depended in part upon sustained economic growth , full employment , the expansion of higher education , and a general feeling that these societies had entered what was often called a ‘ post-scarcity ’ era in which the fundamental problems of production had been solved and the conditions created for the development of a new society of leisure and enjoyment .
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