Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [prep] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is as if God , embittered by the recalcitrance of humanity , has turned to behaving in the same manner as that imputed to him by the serpent in the Garden in its dialogue with the woman .
2 The government , which controls around 85 per cent of the country , has turned to logging as a way of making up the shortfall in revenue resulting from the end of Soviet aid , and its loss of the Palinn gem mines in western Cambodia to Khmer Rouge forces .
3 SHANNEN Doherty has confessed to going on a six-month drink and drugs binge after running away at 18 to live with her 31-year-old boyfriend .
4 An Oxford University student has died after falling from a second floor window during a party .
5 One kind of ray , the manta , has reverted to swimming in the surface waters .
6 Mrs Clinton has apologised for suggesting in a magazine interview that her husband has been the victim of double standards over claims of adultery .
7 He nevertheless insists that the " range of plausible " and " scale of valid " interpretations is constrained by the theory to which he adheres , although argument is admissible and he himself has progressed in understanding within the constraints imposed by the theory ( rejecting the PATH schema in favour of the BALANCE one ) .
8 In his letter to Labour MPs , Mr Foster has asked for backing on the grounds that he has seen the parliamentary party through the dark years , and now wants to guide them through better times .
9 A successful group of sponges has taken to boring into the shells of other organisms .
10 Sunday , BBC1 , 9.35pm LADY CHATTERLEY has taken to walking in the woods in episode two of this lavish adaptation of D H Lawrence 's love story .
11 Now he has switched to calling for a vote for the Liberal Democrats .
12 Health Secretary , Kenneth Clarke has insisted in continuing with the case , arguing that the government risked establishing a dangerous precedent if it paid compensation when the N H S was not to blame .
13 ACT include two players in their squad who are no strangers to Scotland — centre Jim Swan who has returned after playing in the junior teams at Gala , and flanker Mark McInnes , who toured with the Wallabies to Canada and France in 1989 and spent some time with Peebles .
14 Pre-cleaned slides are best further cleaned by leaving in a 1:1 mixture of absolute alcohol:concentrated HCl overnight , washed thoroughly the next day in running tap water , rinsed in de-ionized water and stored in a 1:1 mixture of absolute alcohol:diethyl ether .
15 ‘ We 'd dreamt of coming near the mountains and the sea and were out for a drive one Sunday afternoon with that idea in the back of our minds .
16 The girl spent a long time wondering whether she could pluck up courage to mention she 'd thought of going to the Swimming Gala if her mother really felt there was nothing she could do .
17 In Joan Halton 's attempt to be more whole , she needed to know more about her desire to come first , at least for part of the time , rather than always maintaining the veneer of premature maturity she had felt forced into adopting as a child .
18 The long years he spent absorbed in working for the abolition of untouchability and for the reconciliation of Muslim and Hindu , and in innumerable projects of village uplift , testified not only to his genuine goodness but also to the strength of his desire to make India , in the eyes of its alien rulers as well as his own , worthy to be free .
19 Provided that all the controls can be locked to prevent them getting damaged by slamming against the stops , parking the aircraft facing down wind will be safest , because then the wing is meeting the airflow at a negative angle .
20 Soon the mousy man became exhausted by struggling with the suitcase and for the first time the Feldwebel carried it for him .
21 My hon. Friends and I feel justified in asking for a special debate to call attention to the ridiculous fact that , at Humberstone , which is part of the EDDR route , a mile of new road costing £1.5 million has stood finished and unopened for over a year , while the county and city councils argue about a proposed route by the side of the clinic on Scraptoft lane through a recreation area which happens to be owned by the city council .
22 The amount of trust we feel justified in placing on the work done for us is a measure of both the moral status of the occupation and of the work performance we can expect .
23 BRITTEN 'S Miss Wordsworth , primmest of Suffolk schoolma'ms , would no doubt have balked at setting before the public eye any but her most promising music pupils .
24 Foster parents can often claim fostering allowances of 2–3 times the Supplementary Benefit that the natural parent would have received for looking after the same child … which is peculiarly ironic when one considers that some children might not be in foster-care at all if their parents had adequate incomes in the first place ( Fairbairns , 1976 ) .
25 In fact , the individual migrants who participate in this urban migration manage to generate income which is more attractive to them than the income they would have earned by remaining in the rural areas .
26 Jim must have felt like accelerating to the point of wheelspin but restrained himself and drove sedately to the Hungarian post .
27 Furious at the strong wave of protectiveness that washed over him , despite all his suspicions , Guy bit out a curse that , in normal circumstances , he would n't have dreamed of using in the hearing of a woman .
28 There are men out there who , three years ago , would not have dreamed of coming to a gathering like this .
29 At Bewick she would not have dreamed of sitting by a fire in idleness while her clothes were sorted and shaken and put away in drawers and cupboards , which , when opened , gave out breaths of lavender .
30 A bird breeder has been jailed for four years after stolen rare birds were found wrapped in sacking in the boot of his car .
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