Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] be [vb pp] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Yorkshire Water has declined to comment but is believed to be refusing to accept liability .
2 ( 7 ) Once a bona fide offer has been made or is believed to be imminent , the board of the target company must not take any action which would frustrate that offer or deny shareholders an opportunity to decide on its merits , unless the action is approved by the shareholders in general meeting .
3 If any member of the council or any nominee of his is a member of a company or other body with which the contract is made or is proposed to be made , or is a partner , or is in the employment of a person with whom the contract is made , he has an indirect pecuniary interest which he should disclose .
4 Justice was neither being done nor being seen to be done .
5 Five-week-old Christopher was admitted on 12 April because of vomiting and was found to be suffering from a narrowing of the exit of the stomach .
6 Crystal Palace have offered £1 million for Martyn , named in England 's B squad on Monday , while Watford have had a £500,000 offer for Penrice rejected but are thought to be considering a higher bid .
7 This has been generally well received and is thought to be helpful and informative on matters of chambers administration .
8 Prospective payment systems have the advantage that health care suppliers are paid for the number of cases treated and are encouraged to be aware of the costs per case .
9 When the Validation program has been run and the output in VALIFY.TXT and/or VALIDATE.MOD or VALIFY.CRC has been checked and is found to be satisfactory , the LIFESPAN system may be restarted .
10 All the facts given were checked and were found to be completely accurate .
11 There was much running of baths , rushing about with garments , laughter on the stairs and in the bedrooms ; telephoning of florist for more button-holes ; small boys trying to help and being urged to be careful .
12 My Grandfather arrived and was found to be not my ‘ official ’ guardian , but despite red tape they finally carted me off to be cauterized .
13 It is issued in a common form which any carrier may use and is designed to be filled out by the shipper and completed by the carrier .
14 The kinetics of the interaction are less well understood and are known to be a complex process .
15 ‘ Train services between Darlington and Hartlepool have been drastically reduced and are expected to be withdrawn completely later this year .
16 The report 's contents are presently tightly protected and are expected to be used as a model by nursing organisations in other states .
17 There was really very little to talk about , since they 'd seen each other at breakfast , so conversation became desultory once Irene had told Juliet about the other patients — the hysterectomies , the ovarian cyst as big as a football , and the girl who had come to be sterilised and was found to be pregnant .
18 But now their contacts at her refugee camp say Azra and her mother have disappeared and are thought to be heading for Germany .
19 The reason for this is not known but is thought to be due to infection by the virus itself .
20 The player price had increased and was expected to be about £350 at launch .
21 The National Materials Handling Centre , with its interest in sustaining national expertise and development in warehouse design , decided to look at the factors restricting advances in the building of automatic warehouses in the United Kingdom and one which emerged and was considered to be worthy of further enquiry was the attention being paid to the problems of fire in high-bay warehouses .
22 The 64-year-old male patient , who was suffering from arthritis , has asked not to be identified but was said to be in stable condition last night .
23 By means of inserted trace statements the values delivered by halfMeas , i.e. a measure of half of the view area , have been obtained and are found to be consistent .
24 Comprehensive agreements on reductions in strategic nuclear arms ( START ) and conventional forces in Europe ( CFE ) , which at the time of the Malta summit had been thought imminent , were not achieved but were expected to be concluded by the end of 1990 .
25 A frequent blemish upon an otherwise good answer is that the relevant rule of law is not expressly stated but is left to be implied from the candidate 's conclusion .
26 A referendum to dissolve parliament was held and was said to be accepted by 99.9 per cent of the people .
27 The Bishop of London stayed abroad for a while , and then discreetly returned and was found to be in office again , and so effectively that no one troubled to make an issue of it .
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