Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [adv] it [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 About one third of the island was devastated but fortunately it was thinly populated , and casualties were relatively few : only 1,350 people were killed .
2 How they actually manage it is not revealed and so it is highly suitable for family viewing .
3 So that 's all arranged and now it 's just waiting for everything
4 Culturally in Italy business advertisements are not placed and legally it is apparently a doubtful method of selling a company .
5 While you can get away with using small aquaria to breed these fish in , provided all other parameters are correct , problems will soon occur and so it is always good practice to start out as you mean to go on .
6 There are honest discounts to be had but often it 's just hype , designed to create sales euphoria . ’
7 There , that manoeuvre is known as gybing but really it 's as simple as that , sailing downwind you do n't have to change course very often , unlike when we 're sailing upwind with tacking but we need to show you a few more demonstrations about it in quick succession .
8 Erm that 's putting it bluntly because erm obviously being a volunteer is a sort of two way thing , we could n't run without volunteers , we 're very grateful for the ones we 've got but So it 's clearly a matter of whether you decide and whether you like the way we like to run things or or not .
9 You know and maybe it 's just that that there 're so many people out there with nothing to do and they just it 's just a a boredom situation maybe I do n't know .
10 you know and then it 's up to you but
11 Erm I felt really organized cos Mr said that I was too hyperactive and I needed to have , I had to do something constructive so he sent me out posting well giving everyone their letters and I felt really I mean he did n't do it nastily , he just said I was flitting about and needed something to do and so it was really fun .
12 some some extra layers on this , I mean I think that 's very valid and the extra layers include er one , the fact that since then there have been a number of royals who have divorced and so it is not unique for royals to be divorced and the Church of England has not jumped up and down about the fact that there are royals who are divorced particularly given that the , you know the Church of England are opposed to divorce .
13 You do n't cos you do n't get all these things but Christine has the New Scientist every week and I do n't know why it 's always us , but you wan na read that sometimes , I do n't read a lot cos I do n't understand it but some of the things that some of the countries are doing and yet it 's always us .
14 and things like that and it only , it 's only become and really it 's only actually set up as a business school quite recently as well , I mean what in the past ten years or something
15 One of the most common practical problems at the time of someone 's death is that there are lots of extra expenses involved and yet it is not possible to get hold of cash or obtain access to funds because financial accounts have to be reorganized following the death of the person concerned .
16 I suppose looking back on what I said at the time it was true and I did really love you and I still do but now it 's not sexual or romantic , it was n't sexual then because my mind was too pure and partly because you were such a huge chunk of my life , one seventh , and I think I always will do n't know what that 's su oh it 's love you I suppose for you it must have been such a small thing and at fifteen stroke sixteen you can probably only just remember me I was fourteen actually I was the middle son who was n't properly blond unlike the brothers and hung around near you far too much .
17 The angling press , tackle dealers and the grapevine all contribute and nowadays it is relatively easy to discover a water with a decent head of quality fish .
18 still we want this , we want this , they 've made a request to have this done and it 's government funded and so it 's quite an interesting project really just to record things
19 It was all he said and somehow it was enough for Ruth .
20 Perhaps the target has been badly chosen or perhaps it is not clearly seen .
21 I just ca I just I 've never done psychology before you see and so it 's like erm
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