Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [vb infin] [pron] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Oh Sunday it was really bad cos he had these people turn up for lunch and erm , said it 's Sam arranged to come and collect him quarter to six and then we went up to Fore Gate for lunch and then we came back here and had erm we were all standing in the kitchen here , knock on the door , a walked in , I 'd completely forgotten about it
2 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council have asked me to write and draw your attention to the gas substation on Tithe Barn Lane , Scorton .
3 Quite apart from the threat of legal proceedings from sect appointed lawyers , he also had Deputy Commissioner Elrick eagerly awaiting the slightest slip on his part , to pounce and nail his ass to the wall with a disciplinary hearing .
4 Whatever may happen in the future , it is clear from the Lincolnshire experience that the introduction of Local Management of Schools has provided support staff with an unprecedented opportunity to define and evaluate their contribution to the effectiveness of the school , with a consequent increase in job satisfaction and self-esteem .
5 We suggest that this sort of service led by fully trained clinical psychologists who are able to evaluate and adapt their approach to the particular needs of general practice should be explored further .
6 And I was gon na carry and bring his coat to sort of like down there .
7 How can we service and maintain our appeal to members opting to work in Europe and how can we recruit Europeans working here ?
8 I used to go and cut their barley to them and I bought a thing for drying the barley too .
9 Luke dropped his grip on her and turned to glance at the door , as if he intended to go and put his question to the man himself .
10 If you can identify it , ask yourself ‘ can I do anything to avoid or minimize my exposure to this external event in the future ? ’
11 Plan to avoid or minimize your exposure to guilt-provoking situations .
12 He has working lunches with his team to discuss and develop their approach to managing people for profit .
13 Perhaps , he decided , it was time to leave and report his failure to Burnell .
14 May the Lord enrich and increase your witness to the Truth about Himself in the indifferent society around you .
15 The IRA should have no illusions that it can bomb and shoot its way to the conference table , for it can not .
16 I would then be able to emerge and convey my message to him .
17 If he was to rise above the constant lure of carnal lusts that distracted him daily , if he was to dedicate and devote his life to freeing his country from the monstrous rule of France , there could be no choice !
18 ‘ I would try and turn my hand to anything but it must be very hard if you leave school at 15 . ’
19 As a by-product of perestroika , Moscow is keen to reduce and restructure its aid to Nicaragua , and to put it on a more commercial footing .
20 Each felt the need to study and take their work to a more intensive level following a year painting together from the life model at Piers Ottey 's studio .
21 She had not time to dress and make her way to the Casa Guidi .
22 Failure to provide this care will not lead to imprisonment unless there is evidence of criminal neglect , but may well reduce or remove their claim to maintenance on their husbands .
23 Be prepared to entertain and show your work to politicians , university students , church dignitaries and policemen as well as to your director and consultant .
24 They crept , developing rudimentary arms with nasty , elongated fingers as they went , groping across the floor towards the two intruders , as if they might not be able to see , but might be able to feel or smell their way to Caspar and Fenella .
25 I called the meeting in New York during our chairmanship of the Security Council so that the council could meet at the highest level to reaffirm and develop its commitment to peacekeeping and peacemaking .
26 Never miss an opportunity to show and explain your detector to anyone who asks about it .
27 Even Francis Fairlie , the man they all joke about because he can never make up his mind to marry or to start a serious career or to buy a house or to do anything else that may define and announce his character to the world — even Francis Fairlie has managed to get himself here !
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