Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [adv] [pron] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't believe what was happening and yet there was still more to come .
2 The external crown , if present , is compressed and so there is only a narrow opening into the buccal capsule .
3 Did n't he recognize that trade , the trade union movement had a role to play er in that , in , on that page and to the , to the credit of , of the local press , they had responded and so we are now asked to put forward the views of the trade union movement , something I think which local trades councils should be doing , should be the role of local trades councils to do that effectively .
4 And he stopped and luckily there was just enough room for me to slow down and just go between them .
5 That 's like some boys done in my school and they got caught and then they were n't allowed to go to the disco .
6 ‘ They had n't tested the French market at all before opening and so everything was just delivered from Wales , hung up and not thought about .
7 All the windows that side o' the 'ouse shattered and then there was just silence for 'alf a minute or so .
8 But last night his record company admitted : ’ Michael was a bit concussed but thankfully he was not badly hurt .
9 About one third of the island was devastated but fortunately it was thinly populated , and casualties were relatively few : only 1,350 people were killed .
10 Yeah no but I mean passive smoking is just that 's , that 's , that 's the way that self erm s smoking is so selfish because you ca n't get away , you know , whether you 're not smoking or not you 're still getting the worst from it .
11 Maybe I 'm reading too much into little things , maybe it 's all as petty as Dave says and maybe I 'm just fearing the worst .
12 How they actually manage it is not revealed and so it is highly suitable for family viewing .
13 Old ships never die and doubtless she is still knocking around the East Coast , though I suppose old Payne may have made his last port by now I should be interested in an oil painting on canvas , or board ( which I suppose would come a bit cheaper ! ! ) showing her beating around the Foreland under sail in fairly heavy weather , say Force 6 … ’
14 And in the first lesson nobody noticed and yet I was really noisy , and in the second lesson nobody noticed .
15 Often in communication it may be necessary to spell out not only what is to be done but also what is not to be done .
16 I wan na see what she 's gon na do but anyway we 're not going anyway .
17 So that 's all arranged and now it 's just waiting for everything
18 Some people are worried about eating and here we are off on this whole rock 'n' roll circus .
19 Culturally in Italy business advertisements are not placed and legally it is apparently a doubtful method of selling a company .
20 While you can get away with using small aquaria to breed these fish in , provided all other parameters are correct , problems will soon occur and so it is always good practice to start out as you mean to go on .
21 And this man went to another church not so very far away so we knew what happened and certainly we were very glad we accepted our doctor 's opinion .
22 There are honest discounts to be had but often it 's just hype , designed to create sales euphoria . ’
23 There , that manoeuvre is known as gybing but really it 's as simple as that , sailing downwind you do n't have to change course very often , unlike when we 're sailing upwind with tacking but we need to show you a few more demonstrations about it in quick succession .
24 Erm that 's putting it bluntly because erm obviously being a volunteer is a sort of two way thing , we could n't run without volunteers , we 're very grateful for the ones we 've got but So it 's clearly a matter of whether you decide and whether you like the way we like to run things or or not .
25 Well that lady gets punished but then he 's not like taking this so sort of view that there 's any sort of order in the world .
26 Trouble is now , cos I know a hairdresser the shop , if I go somewhere else , it looks a bit you know and yet I 'm not very satisfied with the way he cuts it , he 's done it cheap .
27 You know and maybe it 's just that that there 're so many people out there with nothing to do and they just it 's just a a boredom situation maybe I do n't know .
28 you know and then it 's up to you but
29 She had been swept along by Alain since her plane landed and now she was about to meet the woman whose glamour had brought her father to France , who had driven him to deserting his own wife and child .
30 Erm I felt really organized cos Mr said that I was too hyperactive and I needed to have , I had to do something constructive so he sent me out posting well giving everyone their letters and I felt really I mean he did n't do it nastily , he just said I was flitting about and needed something to do and so it was really fun .
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