Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I du n no , the thing is our prom , yeah , is the day before so like I 'm gon na be pretty fucked erm two , a couple of my friends who are coming , they 've got they 're like in the middle of the ex their exams like erm I know my one friend 's driving there but he 's going from St John 's Wood , thanks , erm we might be able to pick you up , I 'm not sure , it depends what 's happening or you might go with Josh , like we 'll meet outside probably .
2 Above all territory must be effectively occupied or it would fall to the partisans ; this kept French troops from the battlefield .
3 They can do if they want or they can progress onto other rooms to get time back that way , but anyway , ca n't you ? we have er a target to meet on the programme of X percentage time and they will meet that far Wednesday afternoon so we have n't continued and shown
4 When we first began to meet and talk in 1963 , he was expecting to be offered a Cabinet post in education if Labour won and he could keep in step for long enough .
5 ‘ If they do n't , let us know and we 'll get on their track . ’
6 If they refused we were to let her know and she 'd write to the bishop .
7 I am also concerned that after this debate there will be no winners not even the fox , for it will be killed it will be killed in some way or another and the feelings that are left between the two differing sides will harbour grudges and resentment for many months to come and I 'd like to also bearing in mind the comments that were made by Councillor ask how committed the people who have proposed this mo motion are against barbaric sport .
8 ‘ The situation is now that if he works hard and shows the right attitude and I think it is right , then last week will be forgotten and he will go in the side . ’
9 ‘ Well , I 'd better get that washing on and think about a dinner , ’ Victoria said ; ‘ but you go along and see what 's happening and we 'll talk about that when you come back … . ’
10 Right , later on it describes in enormous detail how the president is chosen and the electoral system and then under section two it gives several specific powers that the president has and I would like at least one contribution from this packed assembly here .
11 But that has now been resolved and he will continue in the position for at least another year .
12 What a bloody carry-on , by a man who was educated and who would claim to be a ‘ man of the world ’ .
13 but it 's it 's not , just looks and it will do for a while .
14 They had known all along they had a good , competitive car ; a single mistake had mired them for three races ; it was now solved and they could build for the future .
15 There are , indeed , many ways of praying and I will deal with some of them later .
16 2.4.2 as may be [ reasonably ] required by the Architect provided that no modification shall be made pursuant to this clause 2.4.2 which would substantially alter the design layout nature capacity or standard of construction of the Premises as provided for in the Building Documents or substantially prejudice the use of the Premises for the purpose specified in the Lease It may be preferable to substitute the word " materially " for the word " substantially " in clause 2.4.2 as the latter suggests that some alteration less than substantial may be permitted but which could result in not inconsequential prejudice occurring to the design or use of the premises .
17 Any software that uses a page description language called PostScript will talk to Linotype photosetters , TeX talks to just about anything ever made or you could go for a specialist product such as Itek 's PTW which links to their Digitek photosetter .
18 With his law of primitive socialist accumulation Preobrazhensky saw it essentially as being conditions which were imposed upon the Soviet economy ; either the state sector will grow or it will succumb to the private sector , but the ‘ law ’ itself is only manifested by a series of conditions which were conscious acts upon the part of the Soviet state , since it involved plans and planning .
19 ‘ We will still be whipping the ball in from the wings as we have always done and we will continue with the style which brought us two trophies last season . ’
20 Five eighty eighty five ninety ninety pounds ninety are you all done and I 'll sell at ninety pounds .
21 So what I 'm saying is , is getting a delivery if you ca n't get something there in time I mean , it may mean that you know in advance that you need something done and you can deliver in a normal working week , but maybe it 's inconvenient in a normal working week .
22 I was relieved when the daylight came and I could surrender to the exhaustion in my brain .
23 But nothing has been decided and there will have to be a successful ceasefire before anything positive can be done … although there are hopes to bring out to hundred children in the next two weeks .
24 We usually got one back saying they 'd been accepted and they 'd deal with them at a certain time you know .
25 You know , I sometimes feel as if you and I were connected by a string tying our two hearts together , and if you went to Ireland , I think that string might break and I might bleed to death . ’
26 As there was always the chance that the swimmer 's faint light might be missed and he might go beyond the canoe , in the next phase ( two ) he turned and shone his torch shorewards .
27 And that we would issue those summary sheets at a staff meeting and we would go through it at a staff meeting and that that , probably that was as much as we could do
28 He 's like a dictator who 's just come to power and does all the awful violent things at once , like changing the laws and murdering people and confiscating everything — then later on it 'll all be taken for granted and he can play at being kind and good . ’
29 So she did give but she would pay for wherever we went in a cafe .
30 Sighing , she looked around the elegant hallway , drastic cuts would have to be made but she could manage with just a cook and a maid , the others would have to be paid off .
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