Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [verb] [pron] back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lāla Bahādur started to play with its stringy tail — twirling it round in the air , twisting and tugging it back from the socket — trying to provoke a reaction that would jar it to life .
2 ‘ Because , ’ the Doctor answered , a little hoarse himself , ‘ the enhancer works both ways , and the Old One 's survival instinct is letting him draw on its excess life-force to try and bring it back into the world .
3 Cos if it is , how much are we gon na have to pay for it , and why and what can we do to try and bring it back in .
4 They di they did n't want to feed those on strike , they wanted to try and get them back to work did they ?
5 And they do n't really want to go on using you as a a sort of prop , because I mean you ca n't afford that because you 've got lots of other clients and you , you know really the aim is to try and get them back to self-sufficiency .
6 She knelt and pushed everything back into the bin , and shut the lid quickly .
7 right and do n't worry about getting 'em done and getting 'em back to us
8 Any second now it would break and throw him back into the river .
9 The offence was compounded when one Anthony Hurke released the animal from where it had been impounded and turned it back to the Down and was himself fined .
10 got to pay it again to go and collect it back off him !
11 Just occasionally , she caught sight of the cooking pots bustling down the wagon towards Gabriel and pinning him in a corner , and then she would laugh and heave them back to the top of the cart .
12 I 've been sent here to find out what really happened and get him back to the States . ’
13 She ran down the first flight of stairs , and then turned and dragged herself back to the flat .
14 You can either walk , or we can freeze you where you stand and ship you back in a refrigerator . ’
15 He started to take it off again , then sighed and pulled it back over his shoulders .
16 Finally a soldier arrived and took me back to the Star Room .
17 She withdrew her finger when told but put it back in as soon as possible .
18 He collected and threw it back to the pursuing fielder with an easy gesture-then suddenly clutched at his left side .
19 If there is one in your street , please let us know and we will try and get it back into use again .
20 It 's very , it 's deceptive if you 're not working out what you 're doing and relating it back to the graph , and relating it back to physics , to an experiment you 're doing , someone 's checking the clock every second to see how much further it 's gone .
21 Jim shuddered and put it back in the bag .
22 He went and brought it back in .
23 The exercises will help protect and strengthen her back in the future .
24 The men dug it out of the ground where it fell and hauled it back to the village .
25 Try and get her back on an even keel . ’
26 but do they really actually dig into the the real reasons for the eating disorders or they just try and get you back onto a stable diet ?
27 What try and get it back on some .
28 Try and work it back to that .
29 She laughed and threw herself back on the pillows .
30 It is necessary to turn our prisons into workplaces in which the inmates do not receive parole but can work their way out of prison by dedicated activity , which should be properly paid so that they can compensate those whom they have wronged and pay something back into the system .
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