Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] [pron] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But then , from what I hear , that 's overrun with bairns ; they 've stopped gathering them in from the streets .
2 They tried pushing it back into the hole but the force of the water was too great .
3 Four weeks of being cooped up with Flute had taught Arthur that Ubu Roi was the most seminal possible thing about funniness , and if it was a book he was prepared to try getting it out of the public library one day .
4 ‘ She tried kicking me out of the classroom .
5 And then if it if if we have it down in reception for a bit , er and it works and does n't look like falling to bits , the we could consider taking it along to the Newark Show as well .
6 Not everybody 's cup of tea , I know , but it beats battling it out with the Republican Guard or the evil Knights of Knobtwat .
7 Dear Julie gets drunk and for some bizarre reason suddenly starts feeling you up under the table while we 're nibbling our cheese and biscuits , and making pathetic double-entendres , and attacks you outside the bathroom ; totally unprovoked , of course , and it 's all just the drink talking .
8 The classy Irish defender can already picture the season building to a climax with Aston Villa and United slugging it out for the Championship .
9 For an English director it might be very difficult to imagine getting it out of the traditional setting . ’
10 Well , now that I 've tracked you down , perhaps you would n't mind letting me in on the key to all this mystery .
11 Would you mind taking them through into the third-class refreshment room ? ’
12 Well not recycling bringing it back into the thing , washing it and and refilling .
13 Amy keeps getting mine out of the bin .
14 Now Stacey , I remember , she used to , this is , must be mentioned within the bunk as well , cos I , for some reason I remember sitting her down on the chair to dress her by the bunk
15 Catching her hand , he began tugging her back towards the car .
16 And he keeps shooing her out into the cold hard world . ’
17 Despite his strange dealings in the transfer market up to now , I 'm still one of the pro-Wilko group , and I 'm not going to start slagging him off on the basis of rumours about what he might conceivably do .
18 And grabbing three of the smallest around their necks , he started pushing them out of the back door , into the fresh air , and towards the outer door of the boarding section .
19 At the time the name seemed just too obviously a snipe at rdbms rival Oracle Corp , which began rolling out its delayed Release 7 over the course of 1992 : Sybase 's current release name is 4.9 , and there seemed no logical reason to start calling anything out of the fast-growing system software supplier 's warehouses ‘ System 10 . ’
20 At the time the name seemed just too obviously a snipe at relational database rival Oracle Corp , which began rolling out its delayed Release 7 over the course of 1992 : Sybase 's current release name is 4.9 , and there seemed no logical reason to start calling anything out of the fast-growing system software supplier 's warehouses ‘ System 10 ’ .
21 ‘ We can try shaming them out of the drugs business and say how un-Islamic it is ’ suggested Abdul Haq .
22 Then they started calling her back to the bridge game .
23 I felt disillusioned , stale and cynical and I wanted to take a break before I started taking it out on the callers .
24 had to keep dragging them off to the toilet , they 'd never seen blind children you see they 'd all seen adults
25 I did n't want to have to keep carrying her back to the same perch for the rest of her life , although she did occasionally fly to the perch herself , she was so used to it .
26 He kept twisting himself on to the side of his affected lung , but did not wake when I altered his position .
27 I kept mixing it up with the florin ,
28 Well when you collected the dues er it meant taking it up to the office every Monday and when you got up to the office and got talking to the officials and such like the interest became greater and er it developed from there that er the workers of thought they should have er should have a representative on the committee .
29 At home this meant putting him out into the hall of the bungalow ( where there were no stairs ) .
30 That means keeping them out of the unpredictable British May weather .
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