Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] [prep] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You 're not going to go storming in there like a bull in a china shop again ?
2 ‘ We began filming at 7.00am at the Bryman Airways check in. was shouting directions and the cameraman and soundman were fretting over which positions were best — we drew quite a crowd .
3 Tobie , back in the villa and cascading with loud , screaming sneezes , had proposed marching at once to the dyeworks and shaking Bartolomeo Zorzi by the hand : le Grant dissuaded him .
4 She yeah , that 's her her nickname , cos she was quite big and she played the nurse in Romeo and Juliet in the season on Stratford on Avon and she did it using a Welsh accent because she thought Shakespeare , having coming from quite near the Welsh Border Country might well have had might well have had a Welsh nurse .
5 She yeah , that 's her her nickname , cos she was quite big and she played the nurse in Romeo and Juliet in the season on Stratford on Avon and she did it using a Welsh accent because she thought Shakespeare , having coming from quite near the Welsh Border Country might well have had might well have had a Welsh nurse .
6 I was gon na try shopping in there for a change
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