Example sentences of "[verb] [num] [num] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I can knock fifty thousand miles off the clock in a few minutes with my high-speed electric drill .
2 He did it and now Peter Scudamore is out to rewrite the record books and raise fifty thousand pounds for the Animal Health Trust .
3 Sounds like a lot until you 're told that Peavey produces fifty thousand units in the same period .
4 Sounds like a lot until you 're told that Peavey produces fifty thousand units in the same period .
5 They even made 12 million shells for the army .
6 and it takes about eighty records at a time because it 's using forty five letters with the
7 Steve Kerton says they expect fifty thousand people at the race this weekend … half a million watch the sport in Rotterdam …
8 A United Nations relief convoy has evacuated eight hundred refugees from the besieged Moslem town of Srebrenica .
9 The AA , formed in 1905 , has 7.6 million members in the UK , who are served by a uniformed patrol force of 3,600 .
10 A Home Office pathologist has told the James murder trial at Preston Crown Court that he found forty two injuries on the child 's body .
11 We want three hundred people by the end of this year because the business we 've already got just waiting to be done in phenomenal .
12 West Mercia police found ninety nine drivers over the legal limit out of more than nine hundred tested .
13 Eisner 's colleague , Disney president Frank Wells , joined the sell-off by trading 1.6 million shares at the same price and reaping £38.6 million profit .
14 Organisers had planned to attract ten thousand youngsters to the airstrip 300 yards away from the pigs .
15 So far the department has sent 7000 teachers on computer courses and reckons to train 50 000 teachers by the end of this year .
16 Pigeons taken from their home loft to some place , say one hundred miles to the east , which the pigeons have never visited before , and then released , are capable of finding their way home .
17 Well this year 's capital expenditure will be around twenty five million and last year 's figure was twenty three million the point I was making in the speech was that twenty three million included nine million pounds for the , we must have some static in our nine million pounds for the purchase of freeholds , erm but the capital expenditure this year is spread right across the operation includes introduction of erm re-fits in a number of stores includes expansion in France , investment in systems and hardware and indeed also includes ah about five million pounds for a retail park development which I also referred to the park development on which we have an interest in the sense that we are developing an M F I store .
18 Its massive cone rose five thousand feet above the Bahdu plain and a chain of foothills stretched south-west parallel with the Awash .
19 However , Price finished strongly and snatched one five minutes from the end and came very close to forcing a replay .
20 Multilines of spring barley , designed to control the fungal infection , powdery mildew , are now marketed by the Sinclair McGill seed company ; such heterogeneous barley now covers 60 000 hectares in the UK and a larger area in Denmark .
21 They say twenty five children at the primary school get more individual attention than they 'd get at a larger school .
22 The state economic sector was reported in December 1989 by government economists to have registered a 3 per cent increase in its industrial output in 1989 , and contributed 800,000 million dong to the state budget — 40,000 million dong more than in 1988 .
23 Most astronomical telescopes view everything upside-down and er I drew two hundred lines to the inch inside this eyepiece .
24 I mean that is really nice that , they want thirty five quid for the headboard
25 Once you 've agreed the price if that 's a thousand pound or thousand pound page then you want thirty five percent of the first year 's payment .
26 In America , they made six hundred prints of the film and decided these bits were supposed to be in black-and-white and they could fix it !
27 The Yanomami Park will cover 9,400 million hectares on the border with Venezuela .
28 But we were the first metal band to have a platinum album and the first metal band to sell six million albums in the States alone .
29 Specifically , we will assume 100 million households in the United States , 40 million in Japan and 80 million in ‘ Western ’ Europe .
30 Well when they put they put sixty five staff before the surveys ?
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