Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] [pron] have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Maggie asked Ethel who 'd just returned from the top level .
2 Well done Kieran he had already worked his out good boy .
3 Finding that broking in political power was more fun than selling milk , Horsley self-importantly told Kinnock he 'd better stick to his socialist principles after being elected Prime Minister , or there 'd be trouble from NoS .
4 With that she said no more but dropped down to her shelter and took up some food , an action that told Creggan he had best get on with it and ask no more questions .
5 With the Gunners fading alarmingly in their pursuit of the Championship , chairman Peter Hill-Wood has told Graham he has only to knock on his door to be handed virtually an open cheque book .
6 I think I might ring Nina I 've just found her home phone number in my book .
7 The train was going eastwards , bound for a place called Hainault she had never heard of
8 When it touched Parker it had evidently acquired a tremendous spin , and for a second it must have been spinning beneath me .
9 What I 'd like to introduce lastly now is an approach that you can take to training to help yourselves and to help make it more effective and more systematic and what I 'd like to introduce to you is , is something called the training cycle and the rest of the course is actually based around the training cycle and I know Margaret you 've actually seen the training cycle a few weeks ago , I 'm not sure if , if any of the others are , any of the others familiar ?
10 Knowing Stuart she 's probably got a little hole down there and he can just flop it out !
11 ‘ What did Irina tell you ? ’ said Franca who had just entered .
12 No , you say thank God they 've finally got the hit they deserve . ’
13 Thank God she 'd only had sons .
14 ‘ Conditions were a disgrace in the second half , ’ said McLean who has never hidden his hatred of a strong wind .
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