Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] [verb] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So women do n't need to wear Burkhas to avoid being seen by strange men .
2 On Dec. 21 the UN General Assembly unanimously approved the appointment of Sadako Ogata as UN High Commissioner for Refugees until the end of 1993 , i.e. for the remainder of the four-year term to which Thorvald Stoltenberg had been elected in November 1989 [ see pp. 36989 ; 37436 ] ; Stoltenberg had resigned to become Norway 's Foreign Minister [ see p. 37868 ] .
3 He believed Everett had been murdered for the same reason Cunningham did .
4 Malcolm X film producer Marvin Worth says Lee has been deluged with offers to create merchandise and promotional tie ins , ranging from comic books to fast food .
5 Die Grünen has been described by Petra Kelly as an ‘ anti-party party ’ , and getting into bed with them might be a guarantee of ending up on the floor .
6 The King 's invitation to visit India had been issued by the Indian President , Ramaswamy Venkataraman , during the latter 's four-day visit to Bhutan on Oct. 18-21 , 1988 , the first visit by an Indian President since 1974 .
7 The court was told Ninham had been convicted of indecently assaulting youngsters in 1990 and had been placed on probation medication to control his sex drive .
8 With Walsh under suspension , the unenviable job of marking Bull has been handed to Simon Grayson .
9 Davide Pittagora had been born in Rupe , ancient Rubi , a great centre of vase-painting , not quite as cosmopolitan as Taranto on the coast , for the Ionian port could attend a wealthier class of customer , but a distinguished artists ' colony , up in the fresher air of the hills , away from the hot sandpaper winds that blew the trade into Riba and her sister harbours , Dolmetta , Tirrani , and , further south , Brindisi .
10 Labour 's parliamentary hopeful Alan Milburn claimed Darlington had been shortchanged by the Government due to changes in funding .
11 An organization called Ilinden had been formed in Sofia on Nov. 14 , 1989 , to campaign for the rights of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria .
12 The tale of an unlikely Viking hero called Erik has been adapted from screen to stage .
13 The man who discovered America has been commemorated by a new … and highly unusual rose .
14 During the run up to the 1911 strike Wilson had been advised by his doctors to take three months rest but had been determined to " remain on the bridge and direct the fight " .
15 And they are wrong in thinking that the judgment lay entirely in the future : the decisive battle which dethroned Satan had been won on the cross , and from now on he was a defeated foe , and believers were ransacking his empire .
16 I thought Lee had been taken for a ride , and said so .
17 There is , incidentally , a suggestion in Carter 's letter that she understood Highmore to have been acquainted with Leapor , though this can not be proved .
18 Islington 's provision is better than most , yet the Director of Social Services , John Rea Price , feels Islington has been penalised for attempting to carry out the Government 's own directives on community care .
19 But I thought John had been put into a job that in fact he was born to and getting his teeth into
20 The task of introducing TQM has been given to former Group Training Manager , Bob Rae , who was promoted to General Manager , Quality Development in January .
21 Eurodesk Scotland has been established as a two-way contact point between Brussels and Scottish authorities and agencies .
22 Many of the first traces of human habitation in what we now call Scotland have been identified from bones and stone implements found in caves along the approaches to the eastern firths of Forth and Tay .
23 Shortly before this development , three magistrates who had been seconded to assist Sica had been withdrawn on the grounds that they were working too closely with the police , thereby prejudicing their independence as magistrates .
24 The last thing he remembered Rufus say was uttered on a murmuring chuckle .
25 ‘ Men who spoke French have been seen near the tavern .
26 Robert Trevor Jones , prosecuting , at Chester Crown Court , said Lound had been evicted from Valiant Close , Warrington because of rent arrears .
27 Mr Roberts said Sarbutts had been held by police on a minor offence in October , 1988 , when police were still searching for Mr Galvin 's killer .
28 Jamie Hill , prosecuting , said Sigsworth had been admitted as a voluntary patient to St Luke 's Hospital in Middlesbrough after presenting himself at North Ormesby police station .
29 But a Home Office pathologist said Grant had been shot in the back of the head from just a few inches .
30 ‘ That Finn , Mauno Sarin , you asked me to handle when he arrived here , said Ed had been garrotted before someone threw him into the harbour , ’ Carver commented .
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