Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] over [art] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Colin Falck 's Cat Gone from Memorabilia ( Taxus , £5.95 ) , by contrast , goes courageously over the top in its eloquent last verse demonstration of how death and depression transfer emotion and unhinge reason : Come back my love .
2 They twinkled all over the hull in patterns which raced backwards and forwards and disappeared .
3 Vast amounts of capital and capacity were installed all over the world in expectation of continuing rising demand and no technological change .
4 The latter has just over a length in hand on the watch and one could not fault her smart performance last time from the trap three she occupies once again .
5 Samuel , who had sharply critical judgment , thought that he presided well over the Cabinet in the first year of the Government , prepared himself carefully for its meetings and prevented ‘ knots or tangles … from being drawn tight ’ .
6 ‘ I have taken to colour like a new lover , ’ he pronounced unconvincingly over a cappuccino in the sparse urban palazzo that doubles as his office and town house .
7 Very frequently he was away from home , sampling the forms of service offered by the various high-church ecclesiastics in the area , driving determinedly over the countryside in a little red Mini that had become used to the eccentricities of his driving technique .
8 We must remember , however , that just as all the alpine chains of Europe are now known to have been still pushing forward over the molasse in late Miocene times , so in places such as the Apennines , movements were still going on as late as Quaternary times .
9 At the same time I think some people are going well over the top in slagging off Wilko .
10 David Sutherfield — who was a political counsellor at the US embassy in east Beirut until American diplomats were evacuated a month ago — arrived here over the weekend in the company of another American official for talks with Hussein Husseini , the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament .
11 Armed only with a sketchbook , Olwen travels all over the country in search of botanical gardens and interesting conservatories .
12 I do not feel able to speculate as to whether or not it will recover sufficiently over the period in which we are dealing as to be again a and situation .
13 Hundreds of trials followed all over the land in the wake of Chelmsford .
14 The voice of reason , speaking clearly over the cacophony in his head , warned him to back off .
15 They do not fluctuate all over the place in an uncertain fashion .
16 Species superficially resembling Terebratula maxima may be found all over the world in rocks going back at least to the Jurassic period .
17 On this aspect of the story Mr Sale is an invaluable guide and teacher , but he goes well over the top in his determination to present Columbus as the representative of a devilish western world driven only by the desire to rape , grab and despoil a land of innocence .
18 If you generally want the views of the public it is no good trying to false those views through a straight jacket of your own to make it what you think there views should be unless of course they go right over the top in which they I do n't think that 's happened so far . .
19 It was Mellor , as junior Home Office Minister , who was left by Mrs Thatcher to pick up the pieces when the last government went badly over the top in its determination to reshape television by deregulation , irrespective of quality .
20 Mrs Boatman will certainly not be expecting her potential charges at Northumberland to be chasing all over the country in search of titles .
21 Another thing which makes Nanking look less cluttered is the absence of the horse- and donkey-drawn vehicles which one saw all over the place in North China , including the main streets of Peking and Sian .
22 White worm are small thin worms which can reach just over an inch in length and are of course white in colour .
23 The Cretaceous genus Inoceramus sometimes grew well over a metre in length ; fragments of this particular genus are frequently important components of the soft , white Cretaceous limestone known as chalk .
24 Coffin and Inspector Paul Lane were talking privately over a drink in the Victory Arms , a pub whose windows gave them a view of the sails of the Cutty Sark .
25 ‘ When I do go out somewhere special I like to go completely over the top in the glamour stakes — different hairdo , glittery accessories and high heels ’
26 However much controversy may have arisen subsequently over the presence in each of these formations of emigres , by far the most obvious group of non-Soviet nationals involved were these Germans .
27 The Yes/No People , creators of Night of 100 Drums and Beat The Cycle , will be stomping , banging , abseiling and cavorting all over the Dome in this newly commissioned largescale version of Stomp .
28 The legal adviser helps to negotiate the firm 's contracts ( and may have to travel all over the world in order to do so ) , keeps it right on matters of company law and employment law , pilots takeovers , etc. , and may , on a wider front , advise on what is proper conduct within a system of self-regulation adopted within the industry by means of a Code of Practice .
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