Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] that he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Dusan Plut , chair of the party , had said earlier that he wished the Greens to " act as a constructive opposition " but later agreed to join the coalition which was led by the outgoing Prime Minister , Janez Drnovsek of the Liberal Democratic Party ( LDS ) .
2 ‘ I mean — ’ Biff 's tongue was loosening now that he felt the pleasant glow of heat at the back of his skull .
3 The sort of affair that would not be tolerated now that he held the stewardship of the Service .
4 He fancied too that he felt the cold less than they did .
5 He felt acutely that he lacked the authenticity that the popular vote bestows upon a leader .
6 Paul admitted modestly that he played the pianoforte a little , although he was badly out of practice .
7 We have learned only that he told the news , and that the people cried out in anguish .
8 Don Juan asserted confidently that he had the firm support of numerous followers .
9 Walter Priesnitz , the state secretary in the Inter-German Ministry in West Germany said yesterday that he feared the situation inside East Germany could become explosive as the anniversary approached .
10 Ed Blair , Hamilton 's president , said yesterday that he hoped the go-ahead for the next phase would follow quickly to enable PowerGen to buy the gas .
11 Its chairman , Michael Cannon , said yesterday that he relished the challenge of buying between 400 and 600 pubs , mostly in the Midlands and North , from the big brewers for between £250,000 and £300,000 , and expects this to take three months .
12 Mr Zeman , a former member of the Communist Party , said yesterday that he regarded the current leadership as ‘ anti-socialist , counter-revolutionary , and right-wing ’ .
13 Coun French , who represents Darlington on Durham County Council , said yesterday that he criticised the system for being open to abuse .
14 Harvey said later that he thought the decision had been harsh and added that there had been no warning given about time-wasting before the game , although he accepted that Tyson could have mentioned it to the players during the match , a fact confirmed by the referee as he left the ground .
15 The Shah said later that he noticed the terrible wind and the gloomy sight of the planes grounded by strikes .
16 He said afterwards that he thought the explanations he had given regarding the crisis had satisfied the King .
17 His courage had returned now that he knew the tiger was only proposing to gobble up his oxen , not him .
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