Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] and [verb] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I stumbled back and sat down heavily on the plinth , then staggered upright and pulled my cords back up .
2 In November 1990 , the Government conceded that the Immigration ( Carriers Liability ) Act and associated visa requirements ‘ do indeed prevent some asylum seekers from coming to the UK ’ , but further stated that it ‘ has no obligation to encourage or assist would-be asylum seekers … to come here and enter our procedures ’ .
3 H well , back to obscurity , ’ a Tory MP muttered to his colleague yesterday as they passed a journalist who failed to leap forward and solicit their views on the party leadership .
4 The organ will play and I 'm going to ask the people to come forward and give their offerings .
5 ‘ Would you like me to organize a small party to go downstairs and get what bed-coverings we can ? ’
6 Howard realised the importance of avoiding walking barefoot in public places such as swimming pools or on other people 's carpets , so he decided to walk barefoot on grass and on the beach whenever possible , or simply to sit outside and expose his feet to the elements .
7 ‘ I 'm a true Gemini — I speak quickly and wave my arms around a lot .
8 I assure the hon. Gentleman that we are fully aware of the difficulties of the business community and that we shall continue to listen carefully and to tailor our policies to its needs .
9 I 'm here to do a job of work and if dressing conservatively and ignoring his attempts at seductive banter are what it takes to remind him of the fact , so be it . ’
10 When he reached the fighting , he charged in amongst the Dragoons , shouting loudly and urging his companions to follow him .
11 I have wept copiously and shared my feelings with a woman , that is , my intended .
12 She came across and held his arms .
13 When we write we scan across and move our hands from left to right .
14 SIR — In my experience and that of others , many women in societies with very high birth rates would like to start reproducing later , stop earlier and space their births at wider intervals .
15 Their two previous EPs and by now infamous live shows have gathered rave reviews everywhere and earned them comparisons with Ride , My Bloody Valentine and other artists of that ilk .
16 If I stop there and clutch my possessions , they grow to possess me and I will be their slave .
17 Bend forwards and rest your forearms on the bench with your hands hanging over the edge .
18 The children are taught to go home and tell their parents to put out their cigarettes .
19 Radio Tanzania on Sept. 18 cited Diria as saying that both sides were being given the opportunity to go home and clarify their positions .
20 By 5.15 she 's in the canteen where she works until 7.15 when she clocks off to go home and get her children to school .
21 Most accountants would be only too happy to go home and put their feet up after a long day at the office .
22 I only felt slightly ashamed when I got home and saw my children .
23 You can then begin afresh and show your classes the latest lines and colours .
24 She turned away and rubbed her eyes wearily .
25 Afterwards , Angelo Dundee , who had trained Ali from the start and had to be talked into showing up for this one , watched him slumped in the dressing-room , then turned away and rubbed his eyes as certain people tried to convince Ali that he had been robbed and that a fourth title was still possible .
26 He turned away and addressed his men in Chinese .
27 She turned away and hid her tears .
28 Every word stops me turning away and closing my eyes , to block it out , to let me retreat into sleep .
29 They sighed collectively and rolled their eyes .
30 If therefore the forgeries were in his hands , and he referred to them in his account to the pope without going further and quoting their contents and producing their texts , his conduct shows ( to say the least ) very muddled thinking on his part .
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