Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] be [adj] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It would be churlish to suggest Lewis fights under a flag of convenience or that his status as world champion has only been able to be enjoyed by default .
2 Nonlinear optics is perhaps unique among systems showing chaos in that a fully quantum mechanical description of the phenomena is conceivable : there is the interesting and exciting prospect that the next few years may reveal what , if anything , is meant by " quantum turbulence " , and all-optical systems such as those described or proposed above are likely to be in the forefront of experimental tests of such concepts .
3 If its demands for a ‘ representative ’ government are not met there is likely to be a general strike on Monday .
4 Wage costs alone are unlikely to be the major factor in location decisions , except in the case of labour intensive industries .
5 And if that does n't work there are likely to be more meetings all week .
6 While this evidence does not necessarily imply that children will always cope with empirical and intentional explanations in the classroom , it does imply that failure to do so is likely to be due to factors other than children lacking an understanding of causality , of intentionality , or of the causal connectives .
7 The penalty for failure to do so was likely to be dire because not only individuals but nations were chastised for their sins , and can it be expected that He will suffer this great iniquity to go unpunished ? ’
8 Demand here is likely to be high , the report says , because the service will be able to satisfy the demands of portable computing .
9 Demand here is likely to be high , the report says , because the service will be able to satisfy the demands of portable computing .
10 " I thought now was supposed to be the marvellous time , and we 're all meant to be living it up , burning the candle at both ends , finding out what we want to do with our lives . "
11 Whenever an elderly family member is admitted there is likely to be some anxiety for all involved .
12 ‘ Out of doors is the best place for Brownies , really , but we 've only been able to be out of doors so much because of this hot summer .
13 They had all been lucky to be seen out with him .
14 Despite his utterances during the brief encounter with Toby , Dominic had actually been surprised to be offered the job .
15 It was essentially an extension of the friendly society schemes — the societies helped administer it — but it also covered occupational groups that had never been able to be members .
16 However , in practice , it normally requires very many iterations before convergence is achieved ; moreover , the process of recovering eigenvectors outlined above is apt to be ill-conditioned , and some other procedure is usually to be preferred .
17 They have usually been inclined to be rather self= centred all their lives in a quiet way , and this tendency has become overt and accentuated in old age .
18 Mr Canavan , who is fighting for re-election as MP for Falkirk West and has been a prominent member of PLCND , said : ‘ I have always been proud to be a member of CND and will continue to campaign vigorously for unilateral nuclear disarmament within the Labour Party .
19 We 're both Aquarian dreamers and have always been able to be ‘ alone ’ together , or step easily into imagination games , and Max — like me — has a fairy godmother who always seems to save his neck at the last minute .
20 Outside Scotland and Wales politicians have often been able to be singularly insensitive to local issues .
21 The polar habitats we see today are likely to be just as transitory as those that preceded them .
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