Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] as he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ 'T IS really nought , ’ she whispered nervously as he reached her and held out his hand .
2 In ready response , his embrace grew masterful , and they clung together as he kissed her face and neck repeatedly , each time catching her lips with more desire and more breathless pleasure .
3 He neither claimed to know the butler 's name , nor anyone who had known him , but he would always insist the event occurred just as he told it .
4 ‘ Ca n't take it , huh ? ’ she teased , then yelped and began laughing helplessly as he yanked her up and rolled to hold her captive beneath him .
5 The burning black eyes skimmed over her and one dark brow rose ironically as he noted her trousers and the masculine shirt with rolled-up sleeves , the glorious hair piled ruthlessly on top of her head .
6 Before Joseph could agree or disagree , his brother had mounted up and was laughing loudly as he urged his coolie along the boulevard at top speed .
7 I ran to see if I could help the traveller , who was swearing furiously as he pulled himself free of his horse .
8 He turned at the sound of her voice , anger ebbing away as he saw who it was .
9 Although the Panopticon was never built exactly as he designed it ( a modified version was constructed at Millbank on the Thames and opened , with extremely poor results , in 1917 ) , imprisonment rapidly became the pre-eminent method of punishment .
10 She looked mutinous , then lifted a pouting mouth to his and squeaked protestingly as he pushed her backwards onto the bed and on top of her new hat .
11 His jaw dropped slightly as he took them in : one Picasso , from his Cubist period ; two superb Braques ; an early Kandinsky ; a Mondrian ; one of Rothko 's red series ; a vast and tormented Jackson Pollock .
12 Bills will have to be sent to me , and the newspaper will have to be cancelled , ’ he added casually as he made his way towards the stairs with complete composure .
13 The boy murmured softly as he lifted him , then began to struggle .
14 He sighed regretfully as he picked his way slowly through the tattered refugees camped here and there on the floor , wondering what had become of his Louis XVI table .
15 The doors had opened wide as he reached them .
16 ‘ Oh , Ross … ’ she sighed helplessly as he lowered her damp body on to the cool sheets .
17 ‘ What , Hilary ? ’ he grated roughly as he gave her a little shake .
18 Her pulses were racing madly as he watched him tug his tie undone with a rough impatience , shrug off his jacket and begin to dispose of his shirt in the same cool , determined style .
19 He was laughing and wincing even as he threw me across the room into his drum-kit .
20 ‘ There has been a call , monsieur , ’ he announced , taking the luggage and casting one interested look at Jenna with dark eyes that widened perceptibly as he noticed her ash-blonde hair , almost silvery in the sunlight .
21 ‘ Yes , we 're consulting quite closely , ’ Dr Greene nodded , his swivel chair creaking importantly as he rocked his rather bulky body slowly back and forth .
22 He smiles broadly as he describes his nomination for the Best Actor award alongside Nick Nolte for Princes of Tides , as ‘ wonderful , fabulous and an honour .
23 ‘ There 's no way I 'm going to be able to wear all these outfits , ’ she protested loudly as he selected one ravishingly pretty swimsuit after another .
24 ‘ This is a very pleasant office , ’ she began conversationally as he handed her a cup and went round to the other side of the desk .
25 But Bruneau was far in advance of his time and there are still many Haydn and Mozart sonatas I can hear only as he played them .
26 His brow creased ominously as he pulled his lean length upright .
27 Need ? ’ he persisted mildly as he folded his arms along the fence and rested his chin on top .
28 Paige arched into that possessive caress , then watched helplessly as he lowered his head and the moist warmth of his mouth closed over one thrusting peak , tongue teasing the nipple into a hard nub that he suckled until she cried out .
29 Marlene watched helplessly as he swung his foot at Keith .
30 He cupped her face in his hands , moaning softly as he drew her resisting body towards him .
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