Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] the [noun sg] had be " in BNC.

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1 Detective Superintendent Keith Readman , Head of Durham South CID , revealed yesterday the delay had been caused by surgery to 24-year-old Pringle 's jaw .
2 And here we learn something new , for though the sculptor has chosen to leave the left hand exposed he gives us an indication as to how shrouds were placed once the body had been encoffined : the right sleeve has been pulled down over its hands and gently tucked under the fingers .
3 The screw holes were countersunk and infilled once the screw had been driven home , though infilling was unnecessary with polished coffins where decorative beading was to be used .
4 Each of these gates were fitted with a sluice , to enable the space between it and the gate on the tank to be flooded once the join had been made .
5 Luckily no-one was injured and recording recommenced once the bridge had been resecured .
6 He felt sure the man had been paid some sort of allowance for putting him up , but it did n't look as if any of it was going to be spent on food .
7 Gina bit into an apricot and nut Danish pastry , acknowledging an untypical craving for sweetness , beginning to relax now the conversation had been established as impersonal .
8 In its weak form , the clausal hypothesis is that some partial and preliminary hypotheses about the meaning of a clause will be developed as information about the clause is being taken in , although the definitive decision about clausal meaning could only be taken once the clause had been fully perceived .
9 Centre director Anthony Roberts learned yesterday the bid had been successful .
10 When Bissett had left home the sky had been clear .
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