Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [been] [prep] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had no idea there was a class distinction , having lived in a sort of world of my own , and when I went to meet his parents in his house in Bromley , I 'd never been to such a small , little house where all the chairs had those things on the back where you catch the Brylcreem and you sat down and had high tea .
2 I 've probably been in all the shops down there but I , I do n't know what the name is .
3 The terror , rather than tepidity , of the priesthood , it had undoubtedly been in many an Italian city in the late eleventh and twelfth centuries ; and even more , perhaps , in the bloody riots in Cologne in 1074 which nearly subdued the pride of the prince archbishop of the city — or the riots in Laon in 1112 which erupted in the murder of the unpopular Bishop Waldric , and gravely shocked both the chivalrous King Louis of France , and his neighbour the English king , Henry I , whose chancellor Waldric had been .
4 I had never been to such a show before — not at all the thing that well-bred young ladies are supposed to attend — but she made me laugh …
5 According to the assessments of relatives , friends , and neighbours who answered the questions , the quality of life of people who had been in a residential home for a year or more before their death was similar to that of others who died but had never been in such a home .
6 I had never been in such a forest and found it fascinating .
7 She had never been in such a place before , and she saw at once that most of the men had girls with them who were certainly not their wives , or the kind of girl one took home to mother .
8 Investors on Wall Street have rarely been in such an uncertain state — which means big money is about to be lost and won
9 ‘ And , Sir Richard , ’ Cranston continued , ‘ you have now been through all the memoranda , documents , household books and accounts in your brother 's possession .
10 When Joyce was a teenager Commissioner Charles Duncan came to inspect the corps , and his words in one of the public meetings stuck in her memory : " I have never been in such a well ordered home . "
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