Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [det] [prep] the [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 She went back out into the daylight and began to gather together some of the larger rocks that were scattered about .
2 In the vital years before a child was apprenticed he or she could be captured from the streets , confirmed in God-fearing ways and inoculated against those habits of sloth , debauchery and irreligion which propelled so many of the lower orders to crime , prostitution and heathenism .
3 Now critics of contemporary systems say so much for the worse for contemporary system , we have to move to one of the other models , maybe suitably amended and only then will we be truly free and equal .
4 This does not matter too much for the younger pupils , since they draw readily and without inhibition , but it does become an issue with slightly older children .
5 It is hardly surprising that Jacky Lee does not remember too much about the finer points of the 1958 Open at Royal Lytham and St Annes , because one horrible moment — actually quite a few seconds — has almost brought about amnesia !
6 Which you tend not to do so much for the shorter ones .
7 But on the North American mainland , colonies had been affected very little by the earlier wars among European countries ; except for the brief clash that had led to the Dutch loss of New Amsterdam the colonies had fought only with ill-armed Indians and had won their little wars without help from England .
8 We now know too that in the later part of that time a form of Greek was widely spoken there .
9 For an automatic text recognition system to succeed it should exploit as much of the higher level information as is computationally possible .
10 Ironically the church , which had gained so much from the older cast of mind , was prominent in propagating the newer outlook .
11 In 1988 , Mr Ken Hutchinson , one of the churchwardens , said that this year they had put forward some of the younger men of the parish in order to keep interest in the tradition alive , though there was no lack of interest at present and the schoolroom was certainly packed full .
12 It is precisely because Berlin is such a true mirror of so much European history that it always seems to embody so much of the darker , subconscious side of the European identity .
13 The twenty heads of British missions abroad in 1816 , when the effects of the country 's long political isolation during the Napoleonic wars were still being felt , had increased to thirty-seven by 1860 ( mainly because of the emergence of new independent states in Latin America ) ; but the changes of the 1860s swept away many of the smaller legations in Germany and Italy , and the establishment of diplomatic representatives in China , Japan and one or two other non-European countries in the second half of the century did not compensate for these losses .
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