Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He had not long declared that poetry was a ‘ mug 's game ’ ; and Rupert Doone , not the most accomplished of public speakers , got rather tied up by trying to say that Eliot was not himself a mug and yet somehow implying that , for saying such a thing he must be .
2 His mother Alison , 34 , got so fed up with seeing her son in tears she kept him away from Penrhys Junior School in Rhondda , Mid Glamorgan .
3 Palo Alto , California-based Neuron Data Inc has finally got around to releasing version 2.0 of its Open Interface in the UK ( UX No 386 ) .
4 Hewlett-Packard Co , which markets Sequoia 's 68040-based fault-tolerant Unix machines as the HP 9000 Series 1200 line , has already backed off from investing new money to protect its investment in the company , where it holds an 8% stake .
5 But in successive writings Hare has gradually worked around to seeing the account of the very meaning of ethical language which he regards as correct as offering a kind of proof of utilitarianism .
6 Yet another Robinson , Mark of Yorkshire , has also emerged successfully from trying times this season .
7 Selina , 40 , has also pulled out of hosting the British Fashion Awards — whose guest list includes the Duchess of Kent — in a few weeks .
8 Rocastle has really messed up by talking to the press .
9 Ted has now branched out into making clocks in the shape of different countries , and formed a small business to sell them to ex-pat communities around the world .
10 It is in these areas that Save The Children has consistently moved forward through developing long term strategies which are being added to and developed year after year .
11 Since she has done the unthinkable in LA and has never got round to buying herself a car , bus rides are the only way of getting around and the 6am commute to work brings her daily inspiration .
12 Coxall and Robins ’ ( 1989 , p. 309 ) apology for a Conservative-dominated press , that ‘ it has never shied away from criticising the Conservative Party or a Conservative Government ’ , is misleading .
13 Now we find all that was to no avail , since nine times out of ten local authorities have pushed all thought aside of giving the relief . ’
14 There was a desert island room , a medieval castle , a railway Pullman carriage , a dungeon , a school classroom , and a hospital ward for those who 'd never grown out of playing doctors and nurses .
15 He 'd never got round to mending the hole .
16 He 'd never got around to closing the deadlock .
17 Travel and accommodation costs necessarily incurred abroad in obtaining temporary travel documents to replace lost or stolen passport .
18 I have heard of considerably larger numbers being taken by other people but when I hear such tales I am inclined to wonder how it is that so many can become so jammed together without suffocating in such a small hole .
19 That 's the compound radius fingerboard for you , and having just come straight from playing a ‘ 62 reissue Strat , the Manson 's fingerboard around and above the octave felt virtually flat in comparison .
20 Fernando was n't the proud man she 'd thought he was and Steve was a creep to have just gone off without letting her know why , with whom and for how long .
21 Furious , he got up to complain to his neighbour , only to discover that it was his own dog which he had accidently shut outside before going to bed .
22 Liz , like a pale convent girl too long mewed up , went wild in her first year , as she discovered the world of parties she had hitherto known only by reading and by hearsay : in those days , such was the imbalance between the sexes , women were much in demand as status symbols , as sleeping partners , as lovers , as party ballast , and Liz went out a great deal , her appearance improving dramatically as she did so .
23 Benelux , for instance , had already moved forward to setting up a low common external tariff with no internal tariffs .
24 Indeed , by the time Lord Darlington had finally come round to bidding his guests rise and drink to ‘ peace and justice in Europe ’ , the level of such noises — perhaps on account of the liberal amounts of wine that had been consumed — struck me as bordering on the ill-mannered .
25 To her surprise , the gunfire did n't seem to be directed at them , and she wondered if the rebels and soldiers had finally got around to fighting each other directly .
26 By noon all the squadron 's reserve aircraft were in use , and the mechanics were sucking blood from cut fingers and grazed knuckles as they worked too fast on battered planes which had just creaked home with streaming canvas and smashed spars , or labouring engines , or cracked fuel lines , or crippled controls , or lopsided under-carriage .
27 I 've always worked hard on changing and refining my practice schedules and finding different ways to get better .
28 I then said that I had always looked forward to going to the Board of Education .
29 That was the most personally evocative thing of all , Sabine thought , wincing , and she could understand why Hugh had always shied away from clearing out his wife 's things .
30 His latest speech seemed to go further than he had ever gone before in advocating force to achieve the kind of England he wanted .
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