Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [vb pp] [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Now that the party can no longer call on state finances , it will have to streamline its bureaucracy , and has already decided to hand back to the nation all superfluous assets , including the party 's holiday homes , hotels … and its headquarters .
2 ‘ No one has ever managed to get through to me . ’
3 The time has now come to move on to more common diseases . ’
4 Well you 've only got to go back to what we 've been discussing and Jesus
5 ‘ Mike and I had already decided to go back to Blend Six for Jerez if it 's still hot . ’
6 But Hanger had already decided to go back to his prison at Grendon near Aylesbury .
7 What we do know , however , is that in the light of the conflicts of policy surrounding both repatriations that Eighth Army was now fully aware of , the Army Commander Gen McCreery had already decided to fly up to Austria to take a look at what was going on for himself .
8 ‘ There comes a point when you 've just got to face up to the private hell you go through every day . ’
9 I had always longed to get back to Abyssinia .
10 No , you 've still got to get back to your place
11 How she had ever managed to get back to the Shelbourne , she did n't know .
12 Darrel had mysteriously signed Littlecote over to Sir John in 1586 on the understanding that he would still be allowed to remain .
13 When Ken got up that afternoon — he had n't come home till three in the morning — Wendy said , ‘ I 've really got to go back to work ; I 'm drinking too much : this life is driving me mad . ’
14 And of course you really , in order to get at the origins of history , you 've really got to go back to the , to the Greeks .
15 Some of us have only got to look back to what was achieved by people during the last war .
16 I have to go round to the wife of a man — a man ! my best friend ! — whom I have just left trogging off to the tube station ; I have to go round to his wife of six weeks and tell her I love her .
17 It is the particular genius of British politics that the major parties have always managed to hold on to their respective extremists and so to draw their teeth .
18 We have signed a treaty to agree to that , but we have not just retained Polaris , with its enormous fire-power ; we have now decided to go on to Trident that has even greater firepower than Polaris .
19 It is difficult to put forward a programme which holds out hope of a better life when you have singularly failed to live up to your promises during your term of office .
20 And you have never mentioned going back to Bewick — ’
21 It is one of the facts of the computer world that there have always been far too many different printer types for the programmers to support and printer manufacturers have never managed to catch on to this simple fact .
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