Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] [pron] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Only once or twice did he ever become aroused enough for them to make love .
2 The drawback of this system is that the clinical teacher works only briefly with each student and has little on which to assess progress .
3 In the new programme they would focus heavily on what determines productivity .
4 The beginning of civilisation was almost certainly a mental development which came long before it affected man 's physical abilities , and it could well have been the moment when for the first time , a primitive creature found that he could override and control the instinctive urge to act , which up to that time would have been the only source of motivation .
5 To depart substantially from them invites question unless it can be demonstrated that such departure conforms to accepted practice by rational analysis .
6 All this was cut short , for Michael was having increasing pain in his back , and we were advised to go home for him to have surgery .
7 Few crews get home without someone becoming host to some parasites .
8 The man in white continues to hack the left side of the body , panting loudly like someone chopping wood .
9 I might as well have pleaded aloud with him to make love to me , she thought , I wanted him so much !
10 Lindsey stood transfixed , feeling her colour deepen beneath a disturbingly intense appraisal which left her feeling ridiculously shaky , the ageing , fatherly figure of her imaginings swept away in one fell swoop .
11 Terry had to go back on Sunday night and before he left for the station hugged his mother and looked fearfully into her drawn face .
12 Miss Mates , who had followed young Eddie into the surgery , looked sadly after her departing treasure .
13 Just as the disease varies in intensity from one sufferer to another so also the pattern of recovery will vary considerably from one recovering person to another .
14 And er we went to move this lady , we got there about I suppose quarter past eight time , a summer 's day , nice day it was .
15 Two men arrive to say your farm will be taken away from you to form part of a large state farm .
16 Two men arrive to say your farm will be taken away from you to form part of a large state farm .
17 She thought she would never care enough about anyone to give birth to them or to kill them .
18 India-May had called him Lumberjack because his bark sounded just like someone sawing wood .
19 And it 's quite clear that the decorative touches have made this house a warm and welcoming home in which to spend Christmas .
20 " recommend earnestly to them to purchase Timber , that may answer the purpose , from the wreck of the Brig stranded on Duich Bay , if she is to be broken up … "
21 Caroline caught a quick glimpse of marble floors stretching ahead to what seemed infinity , but it was the ceiling that stole her breath away .
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