Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [subord] it [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Our own experience in writing this chapter has confirmed our previous experience that this material is in short supply and widely dispersed , and some of it will disappear altogether if it is not soon collected .
2 We race constantly so it is not surprising that 90 per cent of accidents are caused by excess speed . ’
3 Now , hurry home before it is too late . "
4 that start with a C you learn maybe about ten or twenty that start with a K and you say well if it 's not one of these I do n't know I 'm gon na s try it with a C.
5 The most common is the all-too-familiar cystitis — the bladder could be inflamed and JoJo may think it needs emptying even when it is only partly full , with the result that she could be effectively ‘ caught short ’ .
6 One explained : ‘ I have to be careful about what I say publicly because it is just not acceptable to be seen adding to the depression . ’
7 We 've got to go away before it 's too late . "
8 Should not be treated just because it 's there
9 You will need to have your stake ready well before planting begins because it will have to be prepared properly if it is not to be a waste of time .
10 ‘ Also I am accustomed to courtesy and react badly when it is not present .
11 ( This option only appears if you have Full Menus selected so if it is not in the Options menu first activate Full Menus ) Use Freeze Panes to fix the position of the Split bars .
12 Either it was created in its present form , or it has endured forever as it is today .
13 Since aspects of each can be understood better in the light of their absence , each may be noticed more when it is not there than when it is .
14 It 's got to stop , and stop now before it 's too late .
15 . Well if we ca n't see it , it does n't matter even if it is there .
16 amazed I actually did erm what happened erm I was happened to be upstairs and my wife shouted quick quick there 's a zither , so I zoomed down here and the lady was still talking to you and a dialled well consequently I did n't get through for quite some time but I did eventually , erm your lady on the reception said well it 's gone now she said but I will give the lady 's telephone number and I spoke to the lady and told her the position and she says well if it 's not collected by so time I 'll g ring you back and I said well I 've been after one for a long long time she said well I ca n't understand it cos I 've been advertising it .
17 It is strongly recommended that this module type is used only when it is totally impractical to embed a header in a file to be controlled by LIFESPAN ( e.g. in binary files ) , since :
18 However , the C compiler now has to be bought separately as it is no longer to be bundled with Solaris : SunPro claims that it is no longer a necessary item for customers .
19 But obviously the Government can not spend more when it is already ‘ overdrawing ’ at the rate of £50bn a year which anyone can work out is around £1,000 per head of population or say £2,000 per working person .
20 But he felt , in a way that must seem absurd when the conflict in the Falklands is dramatised repeatedly before it is even over , when the widow of an assassinated president is recreated in large in her lifetime on the epic screen , that these events were too close to be seen clearly , too large and foul and complex to be treated with decorum .
21 Just as zooming should be done only for a good reason , panning is also a camera move which should be used sparingly if it is not to become visually irritating .
22 When a white bar is moved to and fro as shown to the left , the neuron responds only when it is nearly vertical , and only for one direction of movement ( from Hubel 1988 : see Further Reading ) .
23 I think I now know sooner if it 's not going to be any good , you know .
24 As it is approached , its shape , then major , then minor subunits can be discerned progressively until it is under close scrutiny , from a safe distance .
25 It speaks with an unmistakable inner city accent from the centre of a world everybody recognises even if it 's only from the headlines in The Sun — a world full of ‘ social problems ’ where all the culprits and the victims live — ‘ niggers ’ , ‘ hooligans ’ , ‘ old biddies ’ .
26 erm and with this money that I 'm going to earn in the first six weeks and then possibly erm getting a job while I 'm doing the correspondence course erm you know even if it 's just bar work and especially
27 The historical view is noted here because it is particularly relevant to the current administration .
28 Their terror does n't stop even when it 's over .
29 The formation of the potent aggregating substance thromboxane A 2 in diabetic platelets has to be assessed indirectly because it is very labile with a half-life of approximately 30 seconds in aqueous solution ( Hamberg et al , 1975 ) .
30 Some are lightly padded simply because it is more flattering to most women , and also gives a better line to the garment .
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