Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [det] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One particular test at hand for critics is the way Nelson is approached : references to him in the conversation of Aubrey and his fellow officers are natural and appropriate to men who were pursuing the same career at the same date .
2 Tuppe had travelled the latter part of the journey on the tall boy 's shoulders .
3 Since 1945 just over 600 awards have been made , with 41 first bars and five second bars — a reflection of the numerous small conflicts which have plagued the latter part of the 20th Century .
4 One of the main objects of the occasion being to enable the many supporters of the Link to learn first hand from Mr Jim Coffey and his team how the results of their fund raising efforts have provided much needed aid in Romania .
5 Of all the kicks in taekwondo , the jumping side kick has probably received the most attention from the public , no doubt because its execution looks devastating and spectacular .
6 Japanese plans to build an international airport on the Shiraho reef have been abandoned — in favour of building the same airport on the next reef along .
7 Ltd. v. B.O.A.C. [ 1955 ] A.C. 169 , 191 , Lord Reid stated that if the arguments are fairly evenly balanced ( not that I believe they are in this case ) , that interpretation should be chosen which involves the least alteration of the existing law .
8 He applied the same principle to the Germans , who had participated through the Prussians in the dismemberment of Poland .
9 Anyway , what about Sam , who takes the Ring but hands it back with only momentary delay , Pippin and Merry , who show no desire for it at all , Aragorn , Legolas and Gimli , who display the same indifference without the excuse of ignorance , and Boromir 's brother Faramir , who realises the Ring is in his power but refuses to take it , with no more sign of mental turmoil than a ‘ strange smile ’ and a glint in the eye ?
10 His later artistic inventions display the same fascination with the possibilities of getting inside the skin of another era .
11 Classes did not exist since all members of society shared the same relationship to the means of production .
12 He reached the milestone in just under three years — but his 109 matches were five more than it took Lewis Jones , of Leeds , to hit the same target in the 1950s .
13 Meanwhile the left hand plays the same rhythms in the opposite order .
14 ( 3 ) Return to the starting position and repeat the same movement on the opposite side .
15 Chola reached up to the arch above the doorway add seven times made the same imprint with the pad of her thumb on to seven discs of semi-dried cow-dung .
16 So , for example , in the England of the seventeenth century , Anglicans , Puritans , Presbyterians and others all made the same appeal to the Bible ; but their different convictions about what the Bible was chiefly saying often seemed more prominent than their shared allegiance to it .
17 I made the same point in the previous chapter but it may help if I give a concrete example .
18 Learners bring the same expectations to the experience of viewing video in the classroom and we can encourage this positive attitude by using video in a flexible way .
19 The positioning is made easier by imagining your field to be the normal landing area on your home site and by using the same angle for the positioning .
20 Given the many problems with the data sets , ’ he said , ‘ one is not inexorably led to the conclusion that a negative secular solar radius trend has existed since AD 1700 , but the preponderance of current evidence indicates that such is likely to be the case . ’
21 It would almost certainly have been given the same support by the full House had it not been attached to a Bill to reform obscenity law , with which it had no clear or logical connection .
22 That is , in an effort to ensure that any variations in replies respondents provide are not artifacts of variations in the way in which the questions were asked , each respondent should be given the same questions in the same serial order .
23 So why was n't Davies , who worked miracles with such meagre resources at Nottingham ( as has become more and more apparent this season ) and had a near unblemished record as England ‘ B ’ coach , given the same opportunity at the top level that Best has now been given ?
24 I in the past th Granville mentioned these letters that used to work their way down from on high which might have just been a , a bit of a twinkle in somebody 's eye with no money at all to spend on physical work but even so it was given the same status within the R C E's organization of five or ten years ago a a as an investment item was , it was almost authorized .
25 Erm they are the crit the two criteria which I I consider alongi along with the greenbelt and the need to be located on a public transport corridor , which must be given the most weight in the in the decision making process .
26 I went to see the former legionnaire at the pub in Paddington where he was working .
27 He held out the salver to Galvone who took the sheet , unfolded it , read the few words on the paper and handed it to Hauser .
28 She pushed it back , and wiped the same hand on the Beatrix Potter apron Harriet had made her for her birthday .
29 If your organization were to inherit a large amount of money , outline and discuss areas in which investment in information management and information technology would make the most difference to the outcome of your project .
30 Then subtract the former costs from the latter costs to obtain the reimbursable overheads cost .
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