Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun pl] [adv] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 The man , who can not be named for legal reasons , admitted the charges falsely imprisoning and indecently assaulting his superior on August 9 last year .
2 Press the corners together to seal and leave to rise .
3 Save The Children really recognises and values the skills of fund raisers , both volunteers and staff .
4 Pumping the flaps up to climb and re-trimming with the dinky roof-mounted trim wheels , I reduced power to Tony 's easy noise-abatement power of thirty inches and 2,000 rpm , subjugating the normal 750 feet-per-minute climb at 33 inches and 2,200 rpm in the cause of good neighbourhood relations .
5 The aim must be to help the child and keep the parents fully informed and advised .
6 So long as you keep the Looms properly oiled and follow the rules you ca n't really go far wrong .
7 Keep the Looms well oiled and follow the Chronicles , I tell them , but they do n't listen to a word I say .
8 Further , if they are accompanied by other acts such as putting the goods so removed and relabelled into a receptacle , whether a trolley or the shopper 's own bag or basket , proof of appropriation within section 3(1) becomes overwhelming .
9 A fair bit of pressure is needed to get the chips securely seated and a broken motherboard tends to perform rather more slowly than a complete one !
10 I asked if people like Shitwell , as we called him among other things , would shove me around after the revolution ; whether there 'd be theatre directors at all or whether we 'd all get a turn at telling the others where to stand and what to wear .
11 Study the advertisements now appearing and show how you would have done them .
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