Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] from this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He found no dissent from this view , although there was disagreement as to whether a State whose security was affected by the conclusion of a treaty between other States could likewise intervene .
2 Erm , the advantage of this one is that you can , it 's obviously just plain memo sheet , you can insert a page from this pad into any diary spread , and it would n't mask the date information at the top .
3 In the other quotation ( 2.21.6 ) he appears to have taken the Gorgon Medusa killed by Perseus as a member of a wild Libyan race : " he ( Procles ) had seen a man from this race brought to Rome " .
4 The person entering the details must then choose an option from this list and the computer will then add the choice to the record automatically .
5 Should anyone be interested , I would gladly co-ordinate their efforts — one of the few ways in which I might be able to help the Society from this distance ’ .
6 Pulling a torch from this pocket he played the beam across her prostrate form .
7 I got a thing from this morning
8 Yeah erm wait a minute we got a letter from this morning to say that erm wait a minute , erm they 'd had a communication from Mr
9 Crucible sought a way from this impasse by showing Fun Fare ( sic ) .
10 I get the impression from this friend , Samantha Jewson , that Louise was looked down on because of it .
11 I told them I had no intention of budging an inch from this place , and if they could n't be civil they could both keep away .
12 I never sold a garment or got an order from this source , I wonder if they saw the light of day .
13 But you can work out how Kuppner 's novel would fit into various classificatory systems , and then discuss the novel from this point of view .
14 ’ You can hear the noise from this airfield five miles away .
15 We will amend the plan from this end when we pull it all together .
16 They 'll take no profit from this deal to get Russian children back to school .
17 Can I also say that the erm the fear expressed about Woolwich , I believe to be fairly well founded Woolwich building , a Woolwich er , Building Society had been on erm , entered into a long time ago on this erm and the letter that was read out at Potter Street area committee from Woolwich indicated that they had n't yet decided whether they would proceed and er I think is I 've talked to the publican since they have promised us an answer this week er we are intending , we have spoken , Dermot 's also spoken to our managing director we are confident we will have an answer from this week and I have to tell you that I think the answer will either no , or it will be so hazy that we 'll need to take some action and make a decision .
18 In future we will not be accepting any similar adverts and we 'll be donating the revenue from this advert to the RSPCA .
19 It is also important to examine the throat for the presence of gonococci ( by cultural methods ) , since , not only may it be the only site involved , but it is rather more difficult to eradicate the infection from this place .
20 ADD then tested the hypothesis that it is only unpredictable money growth that has an impact on real output by inserting actual money growth into the output equation in ( 6.14 ) for the periods t , t - 1 , t - 2 and t - 3 , and comparing the likelihood from this model with the model in equation ( 6.16 ) .
21 To design any piece of audio equipment successfully the first stage is to define exactly what it is that you require and determine the circuit from this information .
22 If you attempt to remove the cover from this type of pickup then you will certainly break one if not both of the coils .
23 Is he aware that the parent company , which was nationalised as part of a French and Italian consortium , has threatened to remove the transputer from this country because of the British Government 's failure to support British industry in the way that the French and Italian Governments have ?
24 As a scientific or aesthetic concept , no value judgements may work ; it may be possible to approach a painting from this standpoint .
25 A fortnight later from Bradford , another set of solicitors rang up , explained that they understood the circumstances , said Look c could I hold the stuff there and what was I going to charge for the storage etcetera , er and they would be going to have to get an affidavit from this lady in Australia at some stage in order to give er him the chance to have the stuff back .
26 That prosecutorial discretion will almost certainly rescue the offence from this absurdity is no proper substitute for such catch-all drafting .
27 The local authority now appeals from the making of those prohibitive steps orders on a number of grounds and seeks an order from this court by allowing the appeal and granting an interim care order under which the local authority would intend to keep the mother and children together and have them placed , as indeed they are now , at a mother and baby home .
28 But what kind of battle ? she wondered apprehensively , discovering an exit from this bedroom which led on to a terrace , with an archway framing a velvety night sky filled with bright silver stars .
29 The curtain went up on the second act to reveal the face from this image lying on the ground where it was walked over and trampled on by the cast .
30 However , as vegetation and mineralized soils develop in the catchment , minerals , organic nutrients and soil microorganisms begin to enter the lake from this source .
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