Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Berger goes on to suggest ways in which this ‘ psychologism ’ fits the experience of people in modern society and affects their self-understanding .
2 Opponents of the bill had argued that it amounted to " retroactive justice " by declaring illegal acts committed in another country and allowing the prosecution of people for offences committed before they became British citizens or residents .
3 The Protocol also grant concessions to ‘ developing countries ’ , allowing the use of 0.3kg of CFCs per person , per year , for a maximum of ten years , but does not make it clear which developing countries are eligible .
4 The Registry is the heart of the student management system , maintaining the flow of data to and from a continuously changing spectrum of offices , individuals , committees , management , external bodies , etc .
5 Communication in science can take place at different levels of complexity or integration of informational elements ; data transfer is the most basic level , comprising the exchange of information on fundamental parameters , such as numerical or analytical data ; the descriptive level involves the transfer of data in a descriptive context ; and at the idea transfer level , deductions , interpretations and predictions are made from data and descriptions earlier acquired , and from background knowledge and experience .
6 The coming of God 's Kingdom involves the restoration of people to wholeness and health .
7 Compare this positive reading with the negative minimum found by rotating the sensor by 180° in the same 67° plane to the horizontal .
8 Note that with effect from July 1989 , the Bank of England decided to discontinue the publication of statistics for M1 and M3 .
9 The complexity is natural , given the prominence of media in daily life .
10 It can also damage the health of townspeople in the south , few of whom understand the risks associated with defrosting frozen food .
11 However , the exercise highlighted the value of the Procedure Audit approach for not only identifying procedural flaws , but also for encouraging the commitment of staff to making improvements effective .
12 Working in conjunction with the South African Communist Party ( SACP ) and the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) , the ANC planned to conduct the campaign by means of house-to-house visits , completing it on June 16 , a senior ANC official , Mzwai Piliso , told a news conference .
13 As we explained in our initial letter , we have been instructed to conduct the sale by means of a strict auction process .
14 On the contrary , a wide range of dispersal agents would allow a larger number of individuals to strip the tree of fruit at its prime and it would then be distributed to a wider range of habitats and be buffered against any disaster that might overcome the dispersal agent of a species relying on just one such agent .
15 Because of the obvious danger to stocks , your own authorities wisely took action in 1962 by prohibiting the capture of salmon in the sea off the coast of Scotland by drift-netting , but the London government did nothing .
16 The answer of the court was that ‘ the prohibition contained in article 30 of the Treaty , properly construed , does not apply to national legislation prohibiting the employment of staff on Sundays . ’
17 Tallboy scanned the list of people from whom statements had been taken .
18 The United States government said in response to the coup that it would suspend some US$85,000,000 in military and economic aid ; France also announced the cut-off of $38,000,000 in aid , and European Community aid of $150,000,000 was expected to be suspended .
19 Recent discussions at national level have examined the role of media in nation-building , and suggested that the media have failed to protect society from the negative influences of pornographic literature and film .
20 Insiders suggest the Brighton party is now demanding the sum of £60,000 from Suede , and plans to issue the single should the band refuse to pay up .
21 However this paper argues that it is essential to support the use of data by providing a flexible and speedy service in disseminating data .
22 Hillier , 49 , of Heddington , Wilts , was jailed in July after Winchester Crown Court heard how he cheated the taxman of £40,000 through secret payments to players .
23 Financing the bid by means of a rights issue or cash underwritten alternative has the advantage of increasing the equity base of the offeror and improving gearing .
24 The first automates the exchange of data between central site and office automation applications .
25 Huxley had been suspicious of evolutionism because he could see no plausible explanation of how species might change , and he welcomed Darwin 's theory with open arms because it offered a new hypothesis that confirmed the scientist 's right to treat the origin of species as a problem susceptible to natural explanation .
26 Proceeds from the recent Bishop 's Annual Charity Social amounting to £2,000 were added , realising the sum of £10,000 towards this exciting new venture in Hemlington .
27 Although the recently announced European Air Traffic Control information system may facilitate the movement of aircraft across national boundaries , it can not create more airspace in the already crowded skies over southern England .
28 In 1898 , having since 1871 styled himself ‘ electrical engineer ’ , he was elected an honorary member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers , and the following year contributed the sum of £1,500 to a benevolent fund for the benefit of their members .
29 Fish , which in the cold European waters are sluggish and easily caught , often provide the staple for mink over the winter .
30 In Indonesia , for example , there is a government policy to encourage the migration of people from the densely populated islands of Java , Madura and Bali to the more sparsely populated outer islands of the archipelago .
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