Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] [noun sg] over the " in BNC.

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1 1776 The Meeting stent themselves with the Expence of Building the Timber Bridge over the water of Duich performed by Hugh McKay £6 ; 0:0 .
2 The Duke told him he had given the trees priority over the house because they took longer to become established , but Kalm drily commented in his diary that his wealth was such that he could have built ‘ a most handsome castle in one year or less ’ .
3 It was constructed by Telford ( q.v. ) in 1796 to carry the Shrewsbury Canal over the River Tern , and was very much a piece of engineering experiment at the time , to be carried to glorious triumph in the simultaneous building of the great aqueduct at Pont Cysyllte ( q.v . ) .
4 North-east of the town is the Lune Aqueduct , built in 1797 to carry the Lancaster Canal over the river .
5 Lay the weaving yarn over the selected needles , with the end which is joined to the ball or cone at the opposite side to the carriage .
6 Mid Hants Railway are making an impassioned plea to the public to support the steam attraction over the Easter .
7 The Atari ST has dominated the 16-bit market over the last couple of years as a ‘ dual purpose ’ machine .
8 With 1in of the plastic tube above ground level , place the cross piece over the tube , teeth facing downwards , and hammer the cross and tube flush with ground level .
9 But the fact that he had won a signal victory over the headmaster on Monday night made him reluctant to pit himself against him again so soon .
10 Sharif , 41 , was backed by the coalition Islamic Democratic Alliance ( IDA ) , which had won a landslide victory over the Pakistan People 's Party ( PPP ) in the general election held in October [ see pp. 37763-64 ] .
11 Glebov 's Fifth Symphony opens with an introduction featuring a solo tuba , low in its register , winding a motto theme over the distant rumbling of a bass drum .
12 Place a serving plate over the top of the terrine , invert it and give the top a tap .
13 The third — and the most vigorous grower — is planted in ordinary compost in an empty sweet jar which has a polythene bag over the top .
14 It has a lantern tower over the crossing .
15 Pursuing a focused commercial strategy while effectively managing the nuclear liabilities has been central to our implementation of the Pushing the Limits strategy over the last three years .
16 Once Adam had flashed his passport as a European Community resident , the reception clerk at the Bellevue had simply pushed the register card over the desk and asked the Englishman how he was going to settle the account .
17 He would watch the sun rise over the North Sea .
18 With medieval courtesy , the recipient dropped a thank-you note over the donor 's base .
19 Instead , distract your child 's attention from the buckles by fitting a play tray over the top .
20 They offended some of the more straight-laced among the constructors — people who might have been more inclined to help the Fittipaldis if they kept better company — and generally put a question mark over the Fittipaldi team : how it was surviving , with whose backing , by what means .
21 We put a marker buoy over the site and a pair of divers went over the side to investigate .
22 PeopleSoft Inc , Walnut Creek , California , plans to open a UK operation over the next couple coming months .
23 After a short ceremony at their Sheffield Park Station at 2.00pm in the presence of Mr Andrew Dow , head of the NRM at York , she will haul a VIP train over the full length of the recently extended Bluebell .
24 Hold a knife blade over the housing and it goes all over the place , proving the point .
25 It was the custom in Egypt , on the Friday after a body had been interred , for the women of the family to visit the tomb , where they would break a palm branch over the grave and distribute cakes and bread to the poor .
26 But the road that ran from the town , called Théovard , by-passed Les Glycines five hundred yards to the north , and we dismounted rather than run the motor cycle over the pitted lane .
27 At the end of some noisy haggling he had ended up paying the driver way over the odds .
28 Of all the risks that face the world economy over the next few months , the most easily avoidable is this threat of trade war .
29 The plan is to grow the lawnmower business over the next couple of years and then float the shares to raise cash to add in a few operations that are less seasonal , and less weather-dependent .
30 Place the meat on one half of the pastry and run a lattice cutter over the other half to within 5mm/¼in of the pastry edges .
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