Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] [to-vb] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She used every trick to ensure that at 50 she looks no more than 30 .
2 Through the firm and persuasive advocacy of Marsh he was eventually permitted to incept , but the case provoked the university to decree that in future no scholar who had not ruled in arts could proceed to a degree in theology : a statute which would engender recurrent disputes between the friars and the university .
3 I also noticed a tendency to assume that by the twentieth century women had overcome most of the problems of inequality .
4 A single 30-ton sauropod corpse would have lasted Tyrannosaurus for three years , leading the Halsteads to surmise that among other anatomical reasons T. Rex was a slow-moving scavenger , incapable of moving faster than 2 mph ( 4 kph ) .
5 If this is the case , the European Court held that it must permit the applicant to establish that since obtaining his/her qualifications , he/she had gained further knowledge and qualifications to bring him/her up to the necessary standard .
6 It will probably not surprise the reader to learn that at the outset of the course serious gaps in participants ' knowledge were identified .
7 Times were changing ; the popes had abolished the use of chrism in the imperial anointing , had denied the authority of kings over priests ; the time would shortly come when the popes themselves claimed to be vicars of Christ , and interpreted the phrase to mean that in the last analysis all earthly authority was mediated through them , not through kings .
8 Even though we have just proved the equivalence of the concepts of primeness and of irreducibility in Z we ask the reader to note that in the following theorem the concept of irreducibility is associated with the existence of a decomposition of the asserted kind whereas the property of primeness is used to establish the uniqueness of this decomposition .
9 The hare , either out of forgetfulness or malice , distorted the message to say that as the Moon rose and died away so Man should die and rise no more .
10 He saw no reason to add that from now on , her body would break down : she would gradually become slower in her movements , she would tire more easily and lack stamina , and she would probably have another stroke in seven years ' time — at the latest .
11 According to an evaluation report this may reflect an unwillingness to admit that in the past schools have been sex biased ( Payne , Cuff and Hustler , 1984 ) .
12 They it 's simple , it 's nice , it 's elegant and it 's not an item at all unless you have a further premise that the world itself is simple , nice and elegant and you have no reason to believe that at all , but since that applies across all sides , I think linguistics is in no worse shape .
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