Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] [verb] out the " in BNC.

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1 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the power to make an order under section 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 was not confined to documents which could be said to be necessary to reconstitute the state of the company 's knowledge , even if that might be one of the purposes most clearly justifying the making of an order , but extended to all documents which the administrator reasonably required to see to carry out his functions ; that the applicant had to satisfy the court that after balancing all the relevant factors , there was a proper case for making the order ; that since the information sought was necessary to enable the administrators to carry out the administration and production of the documents did not impose an unnecessary and unreasonable burden on the accountants , the registrar 's order despite its width , was proper in the exceptional circumstances ( post , pp. 855E–H , 860C–D , 862D–E , G–H , 863D , 864E ) .
2 Consider adding the following words to this clause : by which date the Premises shall be watertight defect free and in a fit state for fitting out and sufficient access thereto together with a sufficient electricity and water supply shall be available to enable the Tenant to carry out the Tenant 's Works/ [ fitting out works etc/ ]
3 The tenant should also consider amending 7.5.2 to extend the suspension by an additional three months to enable the tenant to fit out the premises and there is no harm in including a provision that a due proportion of rents paid in advance should be refunded to the tenant .
4 The person using the system to work out the cost of a building brings a substantial degree of skill by deciding whether the standard prices are applicable , and if not , by building up new prices and entering them into the database .
5 Those attending were given the opportunity to carry out the mock validation of a course which was defended by a very experienced course team .
6 Boyd had not promised to do this , though he had said he would go to see the principal to straighten out the question of his leaving .
7 After a couple of hours , the researchers showed each personality the lists , plus a randomly mixed list , and asked the subject to pick out the words he or she recognised .
8 The American government had pressed the Bahamians to clean out the drug lords , but instead the trade had flourished until the Americans finally insisted that their own coastguard be allowed to patrol Bahamian waters .
9 The programme aims to stimulate the children to find out the truth about Jesus through the eyes of His enemies , the Pharisees and the ‘ secret agents ’ that were often sent out to investigate and police His teaching and activities .
10 Venables himself pledged to continue the battle to buy out the Spurs chairman , Amstrad boss Alan Sugar , and regain his position at the club .
11 In the end , however , the steadying influence of the President of the Republic , the socialist Vincent Auriol , helped the government ride out the storm .
12 I urge the House to throw out the amendment .
13 It 's claimed the boy carried out the first attack behind a row of shops , holding his victim to stop her struggling , and laughing at her cries for help .
14 Will my hon. Friend press the Treasury to sort out the issue of the cost of meat inspection to ensure that the thousands of jobs presently at risk in the poultry industry will be made secure ?
15 Only very rarely has the patient carried out the act with suicidal intent in mind .
16 He mentioned the need to bring out the practical application of subjects , in ways which would enhance rather than displace theoretical understanding .
17 ‘ If a rusty water pipe bursts it takes an enormous amount of time to find the money to carry out the repairs .
18 ‘ Do n't answer me back , laddie , and do n't call me ‘ Corp ’ unless you want a spell cleaning out the latrines . ’
19 Victims and health authorities agree that services are n't being properly coordinated , but one authority has promised to try to find a consultant to sort out the problem .
20 The first drafts of the play are concerned to set the pattern of action and feeling rather than with the exploration of individual characters — this formalistic approach to his task was demonstrated in the preparation of a later drama , when he used a blackboard to set out the play and used symbols to denote his characters .
21 13 May — A Movement Accompaniment Day run by and , which will also include an opportunity to try out the machines in the Fitness Centre .
22 Analysing how the firm works and breaking that down into work which demands your professional training and expertise and work which does not is more important , since it allows the firm to work out the computer applications it needs .
23 Specifying the number of days treatment allows the pharmacist to work out the exact number of tablets required , rather than the doctor having to do it .
24 Thatcher was reported as wanting the CSCE to set out the conditions for free elections , provide observers to monitor their observance , define the rule of law and human rights , set out the essential principles for sound legal systems and help to resolve minority rights issues .
25 However , there was no facility to simply draw a line and let the computer work out the curves .
26 Later that month , an action began in the High Court between John Lydon and Glitterbest , in which Lydon asked the High Court to render the management agreement void and appoint a receiver to sort out the Sex Pistols ' affairs and finances .
27 Pausing a moment to work out the best route , the Doctor set off to find a stair leading down .
28 Lendoiro secured a loan to wipe out the club 's debts and give the club some clout in the transfer market .
29 They sometimes got incredibly bold in the competition for the fish offal ; I have seen a fisherman cleaning out the insides of a fish while a gull was hanging on to the tail tugging frantically in its attempt to get a meal !
30 Floy had spent several hours in deep discussion with Snodgrass and , between them , they had made an attempt to sketch out the layout of Tara , so that they could see if there were any weak areas they might make use of .
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