Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [adj] [noun] [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 Mr Kerr added that none of the companies that had received the irregular payments had been required to repay money .
2 A number of farms had a son , or other member of the family , who would attend but of the 87 to whom this question applied the main answer received was : ‘ it depends ’ .
3 The military budget was not discussed , although the issue of financing the armed forces had been passed on from a working meeting of CIS Defence Ministers on Feb. 27-28 .
4 It was only some time later when he was safely on his way to Theatre that they realised the whole lot had been filmed .
5 Detectives say the two vehicles had been seen in and around Rushton on a number of occasions .
6 Near the Salt Tower he found the gravel-strewn slush had been disturbed , indicating someone had stood there for some time .
7 Provision of the means to wage an atrocious war had been agreed on as a sign of good faith .
8 Since the findings of the surveys described in Chapter 6 , the message promoting the lobon-gur solution had been revised so as to include the four different recognised types of diarrhoea and the use of refined sugar as a substitute for gur when the latter was unavailable .
9 Pharaon , holder of 25 percent of CenTrust 's shares , allegedly arranged for $25,000,000 of the issue to be placed temporarily with BCCI to mislead regulators into believing the entire issue had been sold .
10 Like most strongholds which dated from the Conqueror 's day , the original Saxon palisade enclosing the large compound had been replaced by a stone wall , with a barbican protecting the gate , but the place was assailable .
11 The joke was that it was sometime later that we learnt the whole affair had been staged by Basil who had been in earlier to go through his in-tray and deal with the important memos , etc .
12 The last time I had seen a white rose had been in that filthy room in the Tower .
13 and I ca n't see the two people involved being able to stomach that very easily because questions like why did you not ask for counselling at the time or you were in charge and why did you not ensure he had any adequate
14 Tests showed the 25mm-long insect had been in the pickle for some time and environmental health officers inspected the premises .
15 He justified the ‘ legal regulation of the problem ’ as the only way of heading off the likelihood of spontaneous ‘ defensive actions of the enraged population ’ , and claimed the German government had been compelled ‘ by the idea of being able , through a once and for all secular solution , of perhaps creating a basis on which the German people might possibly be able to find a tolerable relationship with the Jewish people ’ .
16 The only reason he had not opened the front door had been because he was frightened .
17 The grounds surrounding the stable buildings had been meticulously swept and tidied .
18 Theories of ‘ urban degeneration ’ which suggested that the conditions of city life were manufacturing a deteriorated race had been aired since the 1880s , lending themselves to a number of schemes of reclamation .
19 It is understood the dead youth had been a passenger in the Vauxhall Cavalier which had been stolen in Belfast at 8p.m. on Saturday night .
20 Before today 's hearing , Mr Allis 's brother discovered the disputed fence had been torn down , and replaced on the correct boundary .
21 Before today 's hearing , Mr Allis 's brother discovered the disputed fence had been torn down , and replaced on the correct boundary .
22 They had cornered the Jeopardites in a canyon where a few makeshift tents indicated a Jeopardite camp had been discovered .
23 But as she lifted her head to greet them , McLeish decided the first impression had been false .
24 At last a city official , wearing the blue and mustard livery of the Corporation , decided the burnt-out tenement had been sufficiently destroyed and we were allowed to pass on .
25 Police believe the two men had been in the area for some time possibly in a blue transit van which had ladders on its roof .
26 Detectives also found bales of dried herbal cannabis from a previous crop and believe the isolated spot had been used to produce the drug for up to a decade .
27 Detectives say they now believe the three man involved were all travellers … and were staying at various sites like this around Milton Keynes .
28 The troopers of the Kha-Khan 's guard who were detailed to line the processional route had been pressed into service to clear away the debris , and their facial expressions reflected their feelings as the dye from the cloth stained their hands and surcoats .
29 Suppose the lexical procedure had been damaged whilst the non-lexical procedure remained intact .
30 She had even considered the possibility that the old fool 's frantic efforts to match a young wife had been the cause of his death , and the idea had not caused her to turn her eyes away and evade the issue .
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