Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it because [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You just have n't heard about it because you 've been too busy . ’
2 I have always looked after it because I know that I can not afford another one . ’
3 Another might be attracted to it because he sees in it the possibility of calendar reform .
4 He concentrated on it because he loved it , and he thereby proved once more his extreme simplicity of character .
5 See if you know that Mrs L and Mrs T can get away with talking about your colour and that knowing there 's not a thing you can do about it because they do n't believe you .
6 take penicillin and die of it because they have an allergic reaction .
7 No it , we took it to this bloke and I do n't know what he 's done with it because it played before we took it and when he , he said it were n't worth doing and when we brought it back it wo n't even roll now even play now will it ?
8 You put up with your voice and speak with it because you have n't any choice .
9 I object to paying for it because it does nah do anything for me .
10 ‘ They only stand for it because we bring them hard currency , ’ Jim explained , as he accelerated away .
11 We ca n't look into it because it 's only just been given to us .
12 I 'm losing power on the straights , and the three of you had better work at it because I 've only got one more chance ! ’
13 The chairman of the Conservative party can vote for the motion because he is opposed to a referendum , and the right hon. Lady can vote for it because she advocates a referendum .
14 Would that it were as easy as sticking your hand up to vote for it Because I have to say that I see no evidence since that motion approving the management initiative was passed of Labour and Liberal members doing any more than paying lip service .
15 Yeah speaking about it because I do like
16 Later on , some of the policemen — I did n't see it , I heard about it because I read the reports of complaints .
17 because of recession , but as soon as er anything will change he , he said Billy said that he wants to , to get rid of it because they want to go buy an
18 Society is increasingly helpless to deal with it because it has ceased to be society .
19 Will the Prime Minister promise the House that no senior citizen , sick or disabled person need die from hypothermia or any illnesses resulting from it because they do not have the money to heat their homes ?
20 ‘ We had very little work to do to it because it had been kept in great condition throughout its time as a lifeboat on the Isles of Scilly , ’ he explained .
21 Of course , whether people are refused credit because of their probable inability to repay , or whether they do not apply for it because they expect refusal on the same grounds , the results are the same .
22 I mean you know if if you were complaining about something or if you were asking for something you 'd be asking for it because you knew what you wanted only as you said it 's all about being clear about what you want
23 It took me about six months to even be able to hear what he 'd done ; I just could n't relate to it because I had so many preconceptions about what I thought it should be .
24 And you , Opal , you will exult in it because you made it possible .
25 The superstar guitarist , still grieving over the loss of his son who fell from a Manhattan skyscraper , says : ‘ I do n't mind talking about it because it helps me get over what happened .
26 I hate talking about it because I hate making it sound as if someone is to blame but I just ca n't stand people who manipulate other people .
27 It was worth all the hard work that we had put into it because it got that we used to use the town park towards the latter part of Barnardos day and all the men that we had gathered together used to have to erect every piece of fence to enclose like it is now , the park , is enclosed now with with fencing the men that were helping us did that all voluntarily !
28 The ships come into it because they Produce profits for the group — the only subsidiary company which does .
29 She said she slept in it because she worked on a computer that was only available to her at night and there was no point in going home after 2am .
30 Paul Crossland admitted in court that he 'd taken the cash out of union funds , but said he 'd felt entitled to it because he had saved the union so much money .
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