Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it in the first " in BNC.

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1 You could tell her it 's her fault , not mine and next time she 's feeling like a bit of fun — if that was what she had been feeling like — maybe she 'd give a chap a chance to explain that there 's already a woman in his flat , a woman he will kick out with the utmost speed if she 'd just hang on , a woman he never even invited into it in the first place .
2 There was a lot of tooth-sucking for a while as he tried to get me to say more and that was almost funny , given that it was the tooth-sucking that made me think of it in the first place , suddenly thinking .
3 This is because one or other must be better , and pride can not allow executives to settle for the second best — so why think of it in the first place ?
4 The old Maggie would not have even thought about it in the first place .
5 IT WAS sackless not to have thought of it in the first place .
6 This has been quite a long , drawn-out argument , and it is time to remind ourselves of how we got into it in the first place .
7 ‘ What I ca n't understand is why God had to be dragged into it in the first place .
8 My film adaptation of Anthony Delano 's richly comic book slip-Up ’ How Fleet Street caught Ronnie Biggs and Scotland Yard lost him ’ cost the not unastronomical sum of £600,000 to make , so should it turn out to be money down the drain the BBC will have to face some embarrassing questions about why it embarked on it in the first place if it thought the story might be defamatory .
9 I was running the wrong race ; I should never have been entered for it in the first place .
10 Anny Evason 's atmospheric evocation of the Piazza del Erbe , with its salamis , live chickens , fruit barrow and cafe tables , is spectacularly wrecked as the young bloods go to it in the first of Terry King 's convincing fights .
11 A defendant who does not believe in consent could either be one who fleetingly turns his mind to the issue of consent but since he is indifferent to the matter forms no view at all or one whose indifference is such that he entirely fails to think about it in the first place .
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