Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] what [verb] of the " in BNC.

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1 For several months before the Ashleys moved in , the locals of Remaisnil speculated about what to expect of the new English châtelaine .
2 The housing conditions of Britain 's underclass , who are now largely housed in what remains of the council sector , were described by the report of the Archbishop 's Commission , Faith in the City ( Church House Publishing , 1985 ) , in the following graphic terms .
3 More needs to be known about what becomes of the babies of very young mothers in care themselves .
4 One of the rusting iron pipes fastened to the shed wall and apparently coming from what remained of the old boilerhouse inside , had a plate affixed to it , near the stump of what must have been a water stop valve .
5 After the first partition of Poland in 1772 Danzig remained independent but tied to what remained of the Polish state by trade and treaty .
6 It was decided to scrape off what remained of the scale , using a hoe and then pan-scourers .
7 I wondered what he would say if I should remark that just outside the right-hand frame there lay a disused water wheel , and that the low wall of the ruined house had a hollow place where it was comfortable to sit , shaded by what remained of the pigeon tower .
8 The butcher flips over what remains of the body , a torso with no back or limbs .
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