Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [indef pn] at a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The major bus undertakings and the UndergrounD railways ( including the Metropolitan ) were also taken over on that day , and the minor bus operators were drawn in one at a time later , but the main line railway companies ( including their suburban services ) were excluded .
2 Beds must be made , equipment sorted and ordered , and patients dealt with one at a time .
3 They should be dealt with one at a time using the subsequent text pages .
4 Think of one at a time .
5 More seriously , his understated , meditative style is lost : the impression is that his timing is fine , the audience 's is all wrong : ‘ I was talking to someone at a party the other night … he happened to mention that he was reading Virginia Woolf 's letters .
6 And just to make things really tough the matches are rovers with each angler sent off one at a time to pick his swim , putting the emphasis on reading the water .
7 I only work on one at a time because I find it quite niggling if something is n't finished .
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