Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [det] way with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The main growth in the service sector , however , has been in jobs which are connected in some way with information .
2 It was not uncommon for interviewees to report that at least one set of parents had been unhappy initially about their plans to marry and this was often connected in some way with disappointment or disapproval over the choice of spouse .
3 He was vaguely surprised that what sense of loss he did have seemed to be connected in some way with Cyprus .
4 Furthermore , this St Augustine 's manuscript was also connected in some way with C and D , and C and D with each other , for the eleventh-century entries contain much material common to two of the texts , or all three .
5 Have you contributed in any way with ideas or actions ?
6 The first use of it in British diplomacy seems to have been by the Paris embassy in December 1852 : by the middle of the following year the missions in Vienna , Berlin and Florence could also communicate in this way with London , and from 1878 British diplomatic telegrams were numbered in the same way as despatches .
7 But , it also knew that no politician in the run-up to an election would allow himself to be associated in any way with organisations or groups tainted with crime or violence .
8 If it does turn out to be of general significance at a variety of scales it will imply that the increased environmental stress associated in some way with regressions promotes an increase in extinction rate and corresponding vacation of ecological niches , with a consequent opportunity for new species to establish themselves .
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