Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [det] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Over the ensuing years a battle was waged between those who saw the discretion present in supplementary benefit decision making as a necessary part of a flexible response to human need ( Titmuss , 1971 ) and the burgeoning welfare rights movement , which demanded genuine legal rights to income maintenance with equality of access to decision-making guides and judicial appellate procedures .
2 ‘ Subversive activities are generally regarded as those which threaten the safety or well-being of the State and which are intended to undermine or overthrow Parliamentary democracy by political , industrial or violent means ’ .
3 Constructive activity can be considered as that which provides the individual with an interest .
4 I suspect Greenhill was referring specifically to a dearth in the cultural analysis of policing , while his use of the duality of ‘ sides ’ reveals another parallel binary to that of ‘ cops and robbers ’ , with the police and sociology arraigned against each other in yet another of the wars which the police wage against those who defile the sanctity of their definition of the concept of order .
5 In Ceylon , stations ranged from those which served the elegant bungalow coastal suburbs of Colombo and those used by Europeans seeking refreshment at the hill stations or at Mount Lavinia to special ‘ coolie ’ stations , where the Tamil labour migrants introduced from South India to the tea plantations could be detrained and kept in quarantine until health requirements could be met .
6 The direct charge would fall on those who caused the pollution , but an indirect levy was better , because it would be easier to administer .
7 That joke no doubt will appeal to all who question the value of accountants having a stranglehold on top jobs in Britain 's industry and commerce .
8 Clearly , this is not a reading which will appeal to those who relish the physical excitement and theatrical extravagance of Strauss 's music .
9 The new test replaces the usability test with an acceptability one which makes clear that breaches will not be confined to those which impair the use or function of the product but extend to other factors that a reasonable person would take into account .
10 His lectures on the eye , the foetal circulation , and especially on the foot , would never , it was claimed , be forgotten by those who had the good fortune to hear him .
11 Amusing gimmickry enjoyed by all who crowd the bars of this jolly mock-Victorian eating house .
12 The latter figure allows for those who played the market : those who , having bought shares as a result of one or more privatizations , sold them in order to realize a quick capital gain .
13 And then after that , what happens after that they know the basics .
14 Where you 've got reformers ranging from those who want the household suffrage er household suffrage .
15 Close-ups range from those which include the whole of the head and shoulders of a human subject to those in which only a part of the head is shown in ‘ big close-up ’ ( BCU ) .
16 One of my main questions arose from the constant accusations that have been made that Moonies ( and other new religions ) actually brainwash their ‘ victims ’ — this being the only explanation that seemed plausible to many of the parents and friends who had observed the often radical changes in behaviour wrought in those who joined the movement .
17 Equal ruthlessness was applied to those who misused the railways and were brought before ‘ the revolutionary tribunal , whose avenging hammer will fall with all its crushing might and wrath ’ .
18 He reckoned that the word elite was usually applied to those who had the best publicity machine .
19 Next , according to those who monitor the pattern of complaints , come certain regiments of the regular army ; then the Army in general ; and finally the Royal Ulster Constabulary .
20 And Bentham made explicit claims as to the benefits which could be expected to accrue to those who employed the principles on which his " inspection-houses " were founded .
21 AT THE International Cricket Council meeting at Lord 's in July , the five-year bans imposed on those who joined the English XI ‘ rebel ’ tour of South Africa in 1989–90 , captained by Mike Gatting , were lifted .
22 They certainly helped Mrs Robertson and her team from our own Church , and Guild members who ran the Baking Stall , to create the lovely atmosphere that was noticed by all who visited The Undercroft during the Week .
23 Braverman , and many others following in his tradition since , have argued that machine tools should continue to be operated by skilled craftsmen after the introduction of CNC , and that the programs should be written by those who operate the machine .
24 I imagine by that you mean the new censorship categories from the British Board of Film Censors ?
25 He leaves a widow , , and will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him .
26 The criticism was often made by those who disliked the more abstract theoretical work , and who preferred more tangible ideas , which could be shown to have some application :
27 The Minister told us that clause 12 provided for the Secretary of State to take into account representations made by those who administer the pension scheme in question .
28 The kind of comments made by those who found the situation a moderate or considerable strain were :
29 He argued against those who saw the world economy as being merely a summation of national economies , and instead he posited that the world economy is a system with its own particular equilibrium .
30 Angry priests and nuns argue that the hardline stance on chastity hampers the church in educating young people about AIDS , as well as caring for those who have the disease .
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