Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] and [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is helping the child and parent recognize the intensity of positive feeling that can exist between them and that their love is unconditional .
2 Both came to the Sunday services immediately after coming along to the centre , one of the lads having a belief in Jesus but had never taken the step of repentance and asking Him into his heart , when he did his reaction was to say he felt the chains fall from him and that he believes Jesus has broken his addiction to alcohol .
3 It is also important that top management are ‘ seen ’ to support the system , are committed to it and that they participate in the change .
4 My Lord the er plaintiff 's case is that as a result of the advice that he was given by Mr er it was clear to him that he had no way out of this contract , that he was committed to it and that he had no choice but to proceed with the matter and there was then er further discussion on the telephone on this day , Friday , between Mr and Mr to where they were going here and Mr said he would now write to the plaintiff setting out what his options were to him and the letter than was sent by Mr was dated the twenty second of October and the letter , the relevant terms of this letter are set out in a statement of claim expressing at paragraph three eleven of this statement saying and of course er that is admitted by the er defendant .
5 I do not know whether this was associated with the fact that no one ever sought a tea meeting with me and that I was relieved of the obligation of conducting a rather spurious theological discussion on the basis of almost total ignorance .
6 Then , almost magically , as she realised this , something stirred inside her and that something was excitement and courage .
7 The pattern differs from that associated with efficiency and threat : the least experienced teachers are more or less neutral , the most experienced are negative , feeling that there should be personal professional benefit ( i.e. , promotion ) in return for involvement in SSE ; that more information and debate are needed about it and that it should not be made compulsory .
8 ‘ It was such a cold day , ’ said Ianthe , ‘ and you 're not allowed to eat in the Public Record Office , so I thought just for once … = ’ She stopped , feeling that too much attention was being drawn to her and that they ought to be getting on with their work , especially as the Ash Wednesday service had made them late coming back from lunch .
9 She sat and held her breath , and felt that she could hear the trees growing around her and that she was part of the same quiet measured progress , in a world devoid of people .
10 Ianthe smiled uneasily , feeling that some kind of guessing game was being played between them and that she ought to play her part by making a suggestion as to what the work could have been .
11 As soon as a police officer who is making inquiries of any person about an offence believes that a prosecution should be brought against him and that there is sufficient evidence for it to succeed , he should ask the person if he has anything further to say .
12 She said that she knew about it and that she had known for quite a while .
13 The custom of marriage has gained strength , in the sense that more people are entering into it and that it seems to be considered a necessary prelude to having children .
14 Yeah but you must , that , that , that your congregation , that all the people in the pastorate must know that they can go to you and that you will listen .
15 They were terrified that the Jewish authorities would come for them and that they would suffer the same fate as Jesus .
16 Did you not yourself say that our love must be holy ? ’ or when she pointed out that his ‘ lovely poems ’ would have been less lovely if she had not pro vided ‘ the unrest and storm that made them possible ’ : ‘ Beloved I will pray with my whole strength that suffering and temptation may be taken from you as they have been taken from me and that we may gain spiritual union stronger than earthly union could ever be . ’
17 Then you drop back into your usual slot but I tell you what if you go skiing and your not hundred percent fit or as fit as you can be from what I 've , what I 've read about it and that your gon na be in a right two and eight out there .
18 It 's not good enough to say that by becoming international stars they are compensated by the kudos this brings with it and that their personal fame enables them to cash in .
19 What the Commission has to do now there is a new article in the Maastricht treaty is to ensure that its practice complies with it and that it does not encourage the drafting of legislation or the working out of projects on matters that can perfectly well be dealt with by member states , or even closer to the citizen , and that applies to English and French cheeses .
20 Happy May Day , and I 'm so sorry about the muddle with the draft I 've enquired at the head office of the Bank of Scotland , where I got it made out , and they seemed to think your Brno bank was being a bit dim , or perhaps even obstructionist , in telling you they could n't deal with it and that you 'd have to go to Prague to get it cashed .
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