Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun pl] [conj] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So , when British representatives attend international conferences to conserve salmon they are treated as pariahs and are impotent because of the continuation of nylon drift-netting off the English coast .
2 Let us strive for relationships that are mutual and be careful not to impose ourselves on people who do n't want or need us .
3 Noting that many qualities are deviant and undesirable Bleuler also writes of others that are positive :
4 Two semi-regular variables , U and VZ , can be located with binoculars and are orange in colour , but they have small ranges .
5 At least 80 prisoners arrested in August 1991 , including former government ministers Abd al-Rahman Abdallah Nugdalla and Mirghani Abd al-Rahman Suleiman , were reportedly beaten with rubber truncheons , had their testicles compressed with pliers and were subject to mock executions .
6 ‘ When Benn beat Galvano he was caught with counters but was able to walk through them because the Italian was not a puncher .
7 Before long if we are not careful we shall be overwhelmed with things that are tenth-rate .
8 When the HDL get to the liver , they interact with receptors that are specific for HDL .
9 Policy issues are resolved in ways that are consistent with the preferences of the majority .
10 Meanwhile , reflecting upon the record of the Labour government of 1945–51 and on the policies which its successor should pursue , he argued for a coherent socialist policy which would be freshly committed to ideals and be capable of realization .
11 Now , if you 're going to er er er er want everything and then at the same time , want to reduce the budget , then I think you 're like the man who wanted a cake an and you 'll find that he wanted to eat it , so I think you 've got to come to terms and be realistic .
12 Tony left the Picture Group and joined Jocelyne Benzakin 's agency because he wanted to continue to work on projects and was impressed with what she does and her perceptions of photography .
13 Cash-strapped governments are being pushed into privatisations that are too big for domestic stockmarkets to absorb at prices that are acceptable to the seller .
14 Though some secondees had been directly or indirectly approached about a secondment , most of the secondees had applied for jobs and were delighted with the prospect .
15 Looking for customers that are ready to buy several thousands of the personal computers at once , Uchida Yoko has already begun lending sample machines to large insurance companies and auto makers .
16 Elsewhere in the book I have written about problems that are impossible to solve because the solution requires a basic contradiction .
17 Better , or greater use can often be made of resources that are available .
18 ‘ All religious programmes are now censored , ’ he adds ; ‘ in addition , there has been wholesale destruction of printing presses connected with publications that were critical of the government and that supported the movement for change . ’
19 Cistercian houses were related in filiations and were subject to visitation by the abbot of the mother house .
20 Thus results in estimates that are independent , unbiased for broad features , with exactly known variance and probability distribution close to gaussian after only modest grouping .
21 Once waters are freed from solids and are soft , it is important to prevent further contamination , particularly by iron rust from piping .
22 Wilson ( 1975 ) has suggested another reason for the division between positivist criminology and penology : the causal variables that were proposed related to areas that were difficult to change — especially with the limited powers and resources available to penal practitioners .
23 Soon he was absorbed in the workings of the pistol , which was designed according to principles that were new to him .
24 For example , in terms of food , cattle that we eat ; we eat meat in the rich countries , these are fed on grains that are fit for human consumption that are produced , for example in Central and South America , soya meal and so on .
25 Because this epigenetic rule occurs across cultures and is strong enough to defeat countervailing social pressures , it can reasonably be supposed to have a genetic basis .
26 erm another area of my work is as I er writing workshops , the writing workshops are very different from the normal writing workshops there based at galleries and they take groups of people round an exhibition recording their comments on either one particular picture or the exhibition as a whole and then with my help we put the comments into poems that are then displayed along side the exhibits , erm this work I do with erm all sorts of people with children people with special needs , disabled people and , and that 's really where my interest in art erm comes in and I find that its a great leveller for people who would like to express themselves and have perhaps have difficulty by aiding , by looking at paintings and being able to see perhaps emotions or images that they , they feel themselves , so in all areas erm I find painting in my areas of work , painting influences me and has done for as , as long as I can remember .
27 ‘ The emphasis for local papers is to produce the paper more cheaply than before and this is not easily done by firms that are self-financed in every respect , ’ said Mr Crichton .
28 The brief workshop reports have all been written by experts and are helpful in telling the reader what was discussed and what decisions were taken .
29 The beer and cider which lubricated the great festivities of the rural calendar , as at harvest for example , were not bought , they were made by farmers and were expected largesse .
30 Physical goods , by contrast , are not seen by Keynesians as being close substitutes for financial assets ( and certainly not for money ) .
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