Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] next five years " in BNC.

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1 Although 24 large conference complexes have been built since 1975 and 22 new centres are expected within the next five years , hotels are still well placed to cater for conference business , as shown by the following table :
2 These trends are likely to persist within the next five years , and necessitate a continuous review of the IT market-place , and mechanisms to ensure that Garden staff are using the most cost-effective IT in pursuit of Garden priorities .
3 Mrs Thatcher argues that the government 's success in revitalising the economy has now provided the resources for tackling these problems and she claims that many will be solved within the next five years .
4 The pace of investment is planned to increase over the next five years with over £50 million of expenditure planned in new and improved port facilities and associated infrastructure .
5 Without some historic realignment on the left , it is impossible to see any serious moves in this direction being made in the next five years .
6 Modem linkage for Dawyck will be needed within the next five years , and it may be that at that point we could decide to install a multiplexor to deal with all of our external computer links — use of local EUCS services , JANET , PSS , Royline and others .
7 He estimates he can handle ten US concerns in the next five years and is particularly interested in partnering with leading firms , ready to ship beta-tested product , in client/server software , software tools for business applications , X-terminal and workstation software , wireless networks and software for networking and telecommunications .
8 Amongst the most controversial aspects of the Bush budget was the proposed $46,600 million reductions in Medicare funding and other entitlement programmes cuts over the next five years .
9 An economic agreement worth 7,200,000 million lire in the form of a government-guaranteed loan and export credits over the next five years , as announced by Italy on Oct. 18 , was also signed .
10 The Construction Ministry estimates that $5.3 billion will be needed over the next five years just to clean up the country 's water supply .
11 Issues which are due to be redeemed within the next five years registered price gains of around two points .
12 We must therefore train suitable staff in programming , and it is likely that an additional member of staff will be required for programming and troubleshooting within the next five years .
13 Given economic growth and open markets , that figure could easily double in the next five years , and again in the next five , putting China into the top rank of the world 's traders and helping maintain the growth rates of its Asian neighbours .
14 What work would be a longer-term liability from then on — for example , jobs that should be undertaken within the next five years or so .
15 It is in this area that our communications facilities will require to be strengthened and developed within the next five years .
16 Unix , House believes , will dominate the open systems market for the next five years .
17 A State Council meeting on Sept. 17 announced that 9,000 million yuan ( $1,670 million ) would be spent over the next five years on 18 key water conservation projects in the Huaihe River and Taihu Lake valleys , heavily populated and economically developed areas which had been seriously affected by flooding .
18 More than 16,000 jobs will be axed over the next five years .
19 According to December reports in the Bolivian press , the number of public employees would be reduced over the next five years by over 35 per cent under a programme drawn up by the government with the World Bank .
20 Whaddon saw their acceptance into the Combination as the first tentative step towards professional League football , and work was undertaken over the next five years on building and improving basic facilities at ‘ The Tip ’ .
21 It is projected that the numbers involved in the industry will double over the next five years .
22 But Labour ‘ won ’ on a minority vote and governed for the next five years .
23 Most large industrial processes in the UK — some 5,500 — must be authorised within the next five years .
24 This book has discussed only a few of the innovations we shall have to assess in the next five years or so .
25 For instance there is electronic software distribution , an area that Legent reckons is set to explode over the next five years .
26 European Commission President , Jacques Delors , has announced that the funds are to be increased over the next five years , although the regulations governing their use are to be reformed .
27 We recommend that most desk-top PCs should be networked within the next five years , in order to increase efficiency by sharing printers , improving internal communications , and saving on software costs .
28 However , historians and contra-cyclical investors may argue that there have been few five year periods since the Second World War when deposits have outperformed equities — and stock markets should revive over the next five years .
29 At least 14 submarines are expected to be scrapped over the next five years .
30 An estimated 12,500 beds will be lost in the next five years .
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